Winter break with family(part2)

"You naughty boy, were you staring at mommy's boobies?" she said in cutesy way.

" I wasn't.." I said, looking away immediately, my face blood red in embarrassment.

Mom looked at me suspiciously, then broke into a drunken fit of giggles.

"I'm only kidding, sweetie." she said, after containing her laughter.

Mom then grabbed the empty wine glass and went in the house. I waited a couple of minutes then got out of the hot tub and turned it off. I put the cover back on, then made my way into the house. I was sporting a semi hard on and my tight bathing suit did little to conceal it, so I tried to get to my room as quick as possible. Just as I reached the door to my room, the bathroom door across the hall opened and mom came walking out in a robe. I still thought it odd that mom would change in the hallway bathroom given that her own master bedroom and bathroom was downstairs, but I used common sense and figured it was because the hall bathroom was the closest to the deck and she just didn't want to track water all through the house to get to her room.

I quickly slipped into my room before mom could notice, after all wouldn't want her seeing me with a half hard erection. I stood in my room in my dripping wet swim trunks thinking about how weird mom was acting. I knew it was most likely the wine, but still, to so openly just come out and ask me if I was looking at her breasts, it was just plain odd. And before that, her comment about my snug swim trunks and how she could practically see my "stuff" whether she was joking or not, there was no denying the strangeness.

"hey sweetie?" I heard mom say outside my door.

"Yeah mom?" I answered.

"I'm gonna go down and jump in the shower to rinse this chorine off. Then I'm going to bed, so goodnight, honey." she said.

"Okay, goodnight, mom." I said, then heard the sound of her walking down the steps.

I still needed to change and have a shower as well, but I waited until I no longer heard mom's footsteps before I went to the bathroom across the hall. Once in the bathroom I turned on the shower and wasted no time and taking off my swim trunks, finally freeing my half hard cock. I hung my trunks on the towel rack to dry alongside mom's bikini, then looked at my reflection in the mirror over the sink. Why the hell am I even a little bit hard? I asked myself. Seeing the outline of my mother's erect nipples through her pajama shirt, the foot massage, seeing her panties as she stood up after said massage, the skimpy bathing suit, her nipples again? I guess I could take my pick, but why her? Even though I came from a family full of beautiful women, I'd never once thought of any of them as a sexual being. Now all the sudden I was noticing all sorts of things about my mother that a son should never notice.

As I racked my brain, my cock began to twitch as an involuntary lust washed over me. That's when I noticed the dirty clothes hamper in the corner of the bathroom. And at the top of the hamper, I saw the pajamas mom had been wearing, and sitting on top of those was a wadded up pair of pale pink panties. The same ones I'd noticed mom wearing earlier when she stood up to get off the couch. No longer able to think for myself, or even control my own body for that matter, I reached out and grabbed the panties. I held them in both hand and looked at them closely. They looked like a normal pair of panties, but these were not normal by any means, these were my mother's panties. I then noticed that the crotch of the panties felt damp to the touch. Why are they damp? I wondered. I remembered how aroused Molly had gotten after that foot massage I'd given her that night in my dorm room. Could mom have gotten turned on by the foot massage I gave her earlier? I asked myself.

I was completely lost in thought. Before I knew it, the panties were inching closer and closer to my face. When the panties were about 2 inches from my nose, I sniffed involuntarily. As soon as the musky aroma made its way into my nostrils, my cock instantly hardened the rest of the way and my senses were overloaded. I buried my nose into the damp crotch of the panties and took a huge whiff. The strong musky scent of my mother's sex almost knocked me on my ass. Within the minute I had my hand around my shaft and was furiously stroking myself off as I deeply inhaled the aroma that emanated from mom's dirty panties.

It didn't take long before I felt myself approaching release. Without even thinking, after one last whiff of the panties, I wrapped them around my cock and shot my load into the crotch of the panties. I had to plant my free hand on the sink to prevent myself from collapsing as my orgasm turned my legs to jelly. Once finished and still not in my right mind in the aftermath of my climax, I just put the cum-filled panties back in the hamper then got in the shower.

I stood under the cascade of warm water for a several minutes when I heard a knock at the door. I was still in a daze, so I didn't even react at first.

"Alan, sweetie?" I came to upon hearing my mother's voice from outside the bathroom.

"Yeah?!" I said, having to yell over the sound of the shower.

"I forgot to grab the laundry hamper while I was up here, so I'm coming in for a second to get it, just stay in the shower, ok?" mom called out.

"Okay!" I called back, still not fully in my right mind.

Then I heard the door open and the sound of movement in the bathroom. The shower curtain was opaque, so I didn't have to worry about her seeing me in the shower.

"Alright, honey. Just make sure you come down and throw your towel in the wash when you're done." mom said, I could hear her much clearer since she was right outside the shower.

"ok" I replied, I then heard mom leave the room and shut the door behind her.

Wait a minute, I thought. Fuck! I said to myself aloud as I realized the gravity of the situation. I had just blown a load of my cum into mom's panties, and like an idiot I didn't even think to clean them out afterward. And now mom had come and got the laundry. How unlucky could I be? I asked myself. Of course, that was a bit redundant considering I shouldn't have been so depraved that I would use my own mother's panties as a masturbatory aid in the first place. How stupid could I be? Just how big a pervert am I? I wondered. I finished my shower racked with worry, guilt, and shame.

I dried off in the bathroom, then went to my room to get dressed. I put on a fresh pair of boxers and a pair of gym shorts. Then made my way downstairs to throw my towel in wash as mom had requested. The whole time, I was just waited to hear my name called out in anger. My mom had surely discovered my blunder by now, there's no way this could possibly end well. Mom would surely disown and throw me out of the house, as now I've most certainly been exposed as the pervert I'd been accused of being before.

As I reached the laundry room, I stopped dead in my tracks. Frozen in place, I looked on in shock at the sight before me. There was mom still in her bathrobe standing in the laundry room with the pair of panties I'd been using stretched out in front of her face. Her eyes were shut as she viciously licked at the cumfilled crotch of the panties. I wanted to run back to room before she noticed me standing there, but I was completely frozen. My eyes were wide and my jaw was on the floor as I watched in astonishment. There was my mother, licking cum.. MY cum.. from her panties and I couldn't do anything but stand there and watch.

When mom finally noticed my presence, she lowered the panties away from her face and just stared back at me with a similar look of surprise. In that instant I thought for sure that both of us were going to sprint in opposite directions in the house, but we both seemed to just be frozen there. And it wasn't like I could deny that the cum was mine, we both knew exactly what the other had done. I'd jerked off into her panties, and she'd licked my cum from them. Suddenly, adding to my incredulity, mom's look of surprise changed to a curious smile.

"Oh my god, honey. I haven't tasted a man's cum in ages." she said with a totally straight face.

I couldn't believe what I heard. I wanted to believe it was the wine talking and she just wasn't thinking clearly, but she looked and sounded incredibly lucid. She was right though, as far as I knew she'd sworn off men completely after my father. And to be perfectly honest, it was kind of hot knowing that the first taste of cum she's had in like 18 years was mine. In fact, I was already rock hard again at the thought.

"Please tell me you got another load left in you.." mom said in a craving voice, staring directly at the tent in my shorts.

I just slowly nodded, not knowing what else to say.

"Good.. come with me." she said, grabbing me by the hand and leading me away from the laundry room.

I seemed to be in a daze as she led me through the house. I certainly wasn't thinking clearly and I'm not sure what force was moving my body. There's just no way any of this was actually happening, surely I was passed out up in my room and stuck in some bizarre dream.

Mom led me to the living room and took a seat on the couch as I stood in front of her. Even in my state of disbelief there was no denying the overwhelming lust that was washing over my body. I came to when mom began pulling down my shorts and boxers, exposing my rock hard erection.

"mmm.. my my, such a big boy you've grown to be.." mom said in a low sultry tone, licking her lips.

My ideas of this being a dream were shattered as I felt mom's hot mouth engulf the tip of my cock. This was reality and mom's mouth was really on my cock. Her tongue began flicking across the head of my dick as it steadily leaked precum into her hungry mouth. I looked down at her as she stared back at me with a fire in her eyes.

She then shut her eyes as she began slowly bobbing her head back and forth on my cock. The feeling of my member sliding easily in and out of her hot wet mouth sent a shiver down my spine. As she continued her steady motion, she began massaging my shaft with her tongue, causing me to let out a low moan in response. She started taking more of my length, until I could feel the tip of my cock reach the back of her mouth. I let out another low guttural moan as mom began taking my cock into her throat, she only managed to get the first inch or so before her gag reflex stopped her. She immediately drew her mouth off my cock completely and began coughing.

"damn, sorry baby, but I haven't given a blowjob in ages, it seems I can't deepthroat like I used to" mom said after catching her breath, then she went right back to sucking.

Yet again I was speechless. Who wouldn't be speechless after learning that their mother used to deepthroat? It's not like I was disappointed, I still couldn't believe she was sucking my cock at all. On top of that, I was in such a state of euphoria, I thought for sure it had to be about the best blowjob ever. Now admittedly, I'd not had many blowjobs up to that point, with Molly and the other girls we pretty much just stuck to sex. So it's not like I had much to compare mom's blowjob to, but I'd swear she had to be a pro.

As I felt my orgasm getting closer, my guttural moans came more frequently. And mom must've noticed I was getting closer too, because she increased her pace until she was bobbing her head back and forth as fast as she could. She hungrily devoured my cock, the wet sloppy sounds of her sucking mixed with my moans echoed through the room.

"I'm gonna cum soon." I said with bated breath.

"Good, that's it. Cum for mommy, baby!" mom said, removing her mouth for just a moment before continuing her ferocious sucking.

Her encouragement was all I needed. My muscles tensed up and with a loud grunt, I began shooting my load into mom's mouth. Mom didn't let up, even as her mouth was filled with my cum, she just continued sucking my cock, draining me of every last drop. When she finally got it all, she took my cock from her mouth, and was careful not to spill a drop of my seed.

Mom looked up at me, her cheeks puffed out from the amount of cum in her mouth, then she swallowed every bit of it. She opened her mouth to show me she'd swallowed it all, then closed her mouth into the most self-satisfied smile I'd ever seen. Mom then stood up from the couch and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks, sweetie. Mommy needed that. Goodnight." she said, then walked away in the direction of her room.

I was left standing alone in the living room, shorts around my ankles, still speechless and still in disbelief over what had just happened. It was my first day back home and my mom had just sucked my dick. What the fuck was I supposed to be feeling? I suppose I should've felt guilt and shame over such a wrong taboo act, and maybe it was just the afterglow of my orgasm talking, but I felt nothing, only confusion. I slowly pulled my shorts and boxers up over my now soft cock, then made my way to my room, where I collapsed on the bed and fell asleep almost immediately.

When I awoke the next morning, it finally hit me. The memories of the night before still fresh in my brain, guilt and shame washed over me like a tidal wave. I had received a blow job from my own mother. Sure, she was the one who initiated it, but I'd spent almost the whole night lusting after her. Before the blow job, I'd tried to rationalize the thoughts I kept having about her, but in the end it was all bullshit. As much as I tried to convince myself otherwise, I wanted that blow job, subconciously at least. Hell, I wanted more than that. How fucked up could one guy get? Perhaps all along I really was the pervert that I'd been accused of being. Yeah, I would never rape a girl or anything like that, but a guy lusting after his own mom seemed pretty damn perverse to me. But the real conundrum was my mother herself, after all, she was the one who initiated the blow job. So how fucked up did that make her?

I went to the bathroom for my morning piss, asking myself one question: What now? After I finished using the bathroom, I hesitated to venture downstairs. Seeing mom was not something I looked forward to. I knew we were gonna need to talk about what happened, but I dreaded how awkward that conversation was sure to be. I finally manned-up and made my way downstairs. Luckily however, mom was nowhere to be found. Upon seeing the time, around 9 AM, I realized that mom had most likely gone to the gym, that's where she usually was that time of day and she wouldn't skip out just because it was winter break. I made myself a cup of coffee and just sat in the kitchen trying to think everything through. To be honest, I wanted to grab my stuff, hop in my car and get the hell out of there. Alas, my better judgement finally made its appearance and I decided that once again I couldn't run away from my problems. Besides that, mom had never given me back my car keys. Though, with all the trouble I'd been getting in lately by facing my problems, the idea of running away was looking mighty tempting.

As I sat there in the kitchen, I suddenly heard mom's car pulling into the garage. A moment later mom entered the house then came walking into the kitchen still wearing her gym clothes. She wore a pair of short tight running shorts that did very little to hide the curve of her ass or the tan smoothness of her beautiful legs, a tight tank top with a sports bra underneath that somehow even managed to accentuate the giant tits they concealed, and a pair of tennis shoes. This woman managed to look sexy even in clothes that weren't necessarily supposed to look sexy. Damn it, there I was again, looking at my mother in a perverse manner.

"Good morning, sweetie. I just got back from the gym." mom greeted me as she walked in the kitchen.

"Good morning, mom." I nervously returned her greeting.

Mom walked over to the fridge and grabbed herself a bottle water, she then leaned back against the counter as she opened the water and took a swig.

"I'm actually glad you're awake now.. because.. we need to talk." she said, suddenly looking a little nervous.

I knew this was coming and despite being unprepared for it, was the reason I'd waited downstairs until she got home rather than retreating to my room. So I just nodded my head in response, agreeing with her. I nervously awaited her next statement.

"First of all, I wanna thank you for last night. You have no idea how bad I needed that." she said.

It caught me by surprise, I was expecting her to voice her regrets, instead I was getting thanks? And what does she mean she "needed that"? I silently asked myself. She'd said the same thing the night before, but I thought nothing of it at the time.

"...what do you mean, mom?" I nervously asked her the same thing I'd asked myself.

"Well honey, that's kind of a long story. Ya see, I haven't been with another man since your father and as you can imagine, I've had my needs over the years..." she said.

I just kept nodding, listening to her intently. She never spoke about my father, hell, I don't even know the guy's name or what he looks like or if he's even still alive. I never really cared to know any of that stuff either, because what I did know was that the fucker apparently abandoned her as soon as she got pregnant with me.

"...and well.. usually I can manage to take care of my needs myself. You see, I was really looking forward to this break and finally having my baby boy back home with me, only, you're not a baby boy anymore, you're a man now. And the more I thought about having a man in my house after so many years, the more it stirred up certain feelings and desires. I knew they were wrong and I even thought about calling off my plans for the break just to avoid those feelings. But I buried those feelings and went forward with my plans to get the family back together for the break anyways because I knew that repairing our family was more important." mom continued.

I listened, trying to hide my shock, I had no idea she'd been feeling the same desires as me. And though I'd only been living out of the house for a few months, I knew what she meant. With the way things had been after the trouble in my old school well over a year before, in a way I had sort of been away for much longer than just the past few months. So to her, it would be like finally having me back after a long time. And she buried those desires all for the sake of repairing the family, how could I not admire this woman?

"But then, after seeing you back home yesterday, then the foot massage, and seeing you in those tight swim trunks afterwards when we went out to the hot tub, those feelings began to creep back. Then seeing my panties, after you had.. used them... I don't know, I just felt so.. horny, for lack of a better word. And before I knew it I was licking your cum from my panties, remembering how much I love the taste of a man's cum. Then you caught me and I knew I just had to have more. So, I thank you for that, honey." mom finished explaining everything she was thinking and feeling the night before.

I was shocked, this was not at all how I'd expected this conversation to go down. And apparently, mom had the same triggers I did, with the foot massage and the hot tub. I was speechless, and I could tell she was looking at my face to gauge my reaction to everything she'd just said. How was I supposed to respond to all this? It was all so wrong and perverse.

"Basically, what I'm trying to say is.. I don't care that you're my son. First and foremost, you're a man and I'm a woman, we both have needs. And we both clearly desire one another. So why should we deny ourselves the satisfaction?" mom clarified.

I know incest is wrong, but after she said that, it just seemed so.. right. I scoffed at myself, all it took for me to throw my morals out the window was a crude rationalization.