Things get even crazier after being caught by sister.

It was past midnight, I walked through the dark house in a daze. My older sister had just caught me in the garage getting a blowjob from our mother. The look on her face when she saw us was one shock and horror, then she just ran back into the house. How could she not be horrified? It's not everyday that you see your mother sucking your younger brother's dick. And all this was after my sister had finally learned the truth about the incident at my old school, what would she think now? I mean, shit, that was the kinda stuff that could scar someone for life. How could I ever live with myself knowing I'd scarred my own sister for life?

I continued slowly through the house, expecting a very unpleasant run-in with my sister. I timidly approached the staircase leading up to mine and my sister's rooms, I just knew she had to be waiting at the top. I was scared and I didn't even know exactly what I was afraid of. After all, my sister was by no means a violent person, so I had no cause to fear anything like that. I guess when you boil it all down, I was just afraid of what she might say. I hesitantly mounted each step as though it could be my last. But alas, when I reached the top, my sister was nowhere in sight. In fact, I could just make out through the darkness that my sister's door at the end of the hall was shut and her light turned off. So I quickly went into my room and shut the door behind me. I let out a sigh of relief and collapsed onto my bed. I was in the clear... for now.

I barely slept that night, I just sat up most of the night worrying and questioning myself. What the hell was I thinking, doing that shit with mom while my sister was home? Better yet, what the hell was I thinking when I got involved with mom like that in the first place? Oh yeah, that's my problem: I don't think, I just do things. And then when the shit hits the fan, I have the audacity to question it. Because not only am I significantly fucked up, I'm a bit of an idiot as well. I find it funny how I start out with the best of intentions in mind, but I seem to always find some way to fuck it up. Okay, so maybe I do think, I just don't heed myself, until it's too late that is. Noble in thought, weak in action. For example, I knew I should've never come back home.

When I did fall asleep, it wasn't for long and was restless. I woke up around 8 in the morning and all told I'd only gotten around 4 hours of restless sleep. I sat up in my bed, feeling much the same way I'd felt before going to sleep. I had to piss, but I was afraid to leave my room and risk running into Ashley. However my need to urinate overrode my fear, so I got up and made my way to the door. I listened for a moment and didn't hear anything out in the hall. I quietly and carefully opened my door to peek out, I let out a sigh of relief upon seeing that Ash's door was shut and the light off which I took to mean she hadn't woken up yet, so I silently crossed the hall into the bathroom to relieve myself. Afterwards, I snuck back into my room and shut the door behind me. I let out another sigh of relief, I was in the clear once again. How pathetic, I thought, scared of my own sister.

I couldn't hide in my bedroom the whole day, I knew eventually I'd have to come out and face my sister. She would want answers and there was no way she'd wait for very long. My first instinct was to run, hop in my car and just get the hell out of there. Or I could man up and face my problems, take responsibility for my actions. I had a tough decision to make and I weighed my options. However, just as I began to list pros and cons, my decision was made for me. I heard several knocks on my door along with my sister's voice calling out.

"Hey, Alan, you in there? Open up!" Ash called.

Well, fuck...

"Come in." I said, resigned.

There was no escape, there seldom was when I found myself in these situations. You'd think I would've learned that by now.

The door open and in walked my sister. My mind immediately went into overdrive trying to read the situation. She didn't look angry, so that's a plus, but she didn't exactly look happy either. Ashley just walked over towards me and stood at the foot of my bed. She looked calm, cool, and collected; meanwhile I was practically panicking. Clearly she was more prepared for this than I was. The whole world seemed to stop turning and everything fell silent as she looked me dead in the eyes. The air was so thick with tension that not even a knife could cut it, though I must've been the only one who sensed it because again my sister just looked weirdly relaxed, which I suppose was even scarier. It was almost as if we were locked in a staring contest, waiting to see which of us would break first, luckily I was very good at not saying anything. But it was excruciating nonetheless.

"So..." my sister finally started, breaking the painful silence.

I perked up as she spoke, still fearing what she might say.

"I guess you forgot to mention you'd hooked up with the headmistress too..." she said, still calm as ever.

There it was, she wasted no time. Though, her choice of words did strike me as a little odd.

"I'm sorry, sis. I don't know what I was thinking. She just started seducing me and I couldn't help it. It's like I couldn't control my own body." I said, trying desperately to justify it.

"Relax, bro. I'm hardly mad at you and I'm not judging you either. I mean, let's be honest, mom is pretty fucking hot. And she eats pussy like nobody's business." Ashley said with a smile.

Wait a minute, what the fuck? This was so not the interaction I was expecting. And that last comment she made, what the hell did that mean? Our mom eats pussy? What?

A million questions rattled around through my brain.

"Oh come on, what's with the weird look? I swear lil bro, you act like you're the only one in the world who does fucked up shit. I've been hooking up with mom pretty much anytime I come home from college. And I certainly don't spend as much time beating myself up over it like you do, you gotta stop with this whole martyr thing you got going on, lil bro. Life's too short for that shit." Ashley began speaking as she sat down on the edge of my bed.

I was shocked, but I still listened intently.

"While I'm on the topic, another thing that didn't sit right with me, you were just so quick to forgive me for treating you like shit for so long. I'm guessing you partially felt that you deserved it? Because you're a little fucked up? So what, who isn't? From what I hear, you forgave mom just as easily. Bro, we treated you like you were some kind of monster because you were falsely accused of raping that girl. Now, I'm not saying I'm not thankful for your forgiveness, but you need to understand that you did not deserve that. Yeah, hooking up with your mother is wrong, but it's hardly anywhere near as bad as rape." Ashley continued.

Ashley finished her little speech and offered a reassuring smile to let me know she was sincere. Honestly, I didn't know what shocked me more: That she'd apparently been with mom as well? Or that she was able to see right through me so easily?

"Am I really so transparent, sis?" I asked.

"No, but I doubt anyone knows you as well as I do." she replied.

She was right about that, my sister knew me better than anyone. After all, we were practically inseparable throughout most of our lives. I should've expected she'd see right through my whole martyr act and that she'd call me out on it, that's just her nature.

"So, you hooked up with mom too?" I asked my other burning question.

"Well, yeah. Like I told you last night, after I started college I learned how much I liked girls, and then one time when I came home for a visit I suppose I finally noticed how hot mom is, so I seduced her. And damn did she take to it, she ate my pussy like nobody else. I suspect mom used to get pretty wild back before we came along." Ash answered honestly.

I swear, her openness never ceases to amaze me. Talking so freely about mom eating her pussy, just thinking about it got me a little hard. Damn it, I shouldn't be thinking like that. I chastised myself for the image that had been conjured in my brain. I mean, there are some lines I shouldn't cross, right? But fuck, just the thought was pretty enticing. Before I even realized it, I was looking my sister up and down as she sat just a few feet from me on my bed. Even this early in the morning with her hair messy from sleep and no makeup on, she still looked stunning, so much natural beauty. She wore a loose fitting tank top with no bra so her C-cup breasts hung free, her perky nipples practically poking holes in the thin material of her tank top. And a pair of small tight boyshorts which if she were standing, would certainly accentuate the fine curves of her voluptuous ass. I'm sure to her, it was nothing more than typical sleepwear, but to me it was sex appeal personified.

I had to force myself to look away, before my lust could take over. Plus, I'm quite certain she noticed me staring. There was an obvious sexual tension in the air, I couldn't help but steal further glances. The steady rise and fall of her chest with each shallow breath and the slight tremble in her hands told me her heart was racing, I had little doubt she could tell I was experiencing those same symptoms. Eventually our eyes met and we just stared at one another. All else seemed to fall out of focus as I got lost in her deep brown eyes, the same eyes as mine and mom's. The whole world fell silent around us as we looked into each other's eyes, the only sounds being that of our breathing.

"Why don't you pull down those shorts and let me see what's got all these women throwing themselves at you?" my sister finally broke the silence.

Oh damn, I wanted to. I wanted more than anything to jump her right there. But then, my rational brain took hold, if only for a second.

"But Ash, what if mom catches us?" I asked.

"Don't worry, she left for the gym a while ago, she won't be home for a bit... but if she was home, then we'd just tell her to join us, of course." she replied with a sly seductive grin.

I didn't even realize mom had left, guess I was too lost in my own world to notice. Either way, the thought of mom joining us like my sister suggested was enough to harden my cock the rest of the way. There was no fighting anymore, my rational brain switched off and my lust began to take control.

Without another word, I stood up from my bed. Ash licked her lips at the sight of the bulge I was rocking. She waited with bated breath as I began pulling down my shorts and boxers, slowly revealing myself. Her eyes went wide as soon as my fully erect 9 inches sprang free.

"Holy shit, bro. That thing is fucking huge. I know I haven't been with a guy in ages, but damn if it ain't biggest I've seen. Lil bro.. err.. sorry, big bro, you got some pornstar quality meat there." she said.

How could I not blush at a compliment like that? Especially coming from someone I admired so much. Ashley then stood up and began undressing. She started by lifting her tank top up and over her head, revealing her bare breasts to me for the first time. My jaw dropped upon seeing her perfect symmetrical C-cup tits, her pink areolae were a little less than 2 inches in diameter and capped with erect nipples that protruded about half an inch. She then slid her fingers under the waistband of her boyshorts and began pulling them down. Unlike mom, Ash was shaved completely bare down there.

"So.. what do ya think?" she asked with feigned innocence.

Rather than answer her with words, I grabbed her in my arms and pulled her closer to me so our bare chests were touching. I then used my fingers to gently tilt her chin up and leaned my face in, as soon as our lips touched for the first time it was like a bolt of electricity had went through us. Her lips parted and allowed my tongue access, our tongues wrestled for a moment as I explored her hot wet mouth. She ran her fingers through my short hair as we made out like a couple of school kids who'd just reached first base. We then broke our kiss and parted, a single string of saliva stretching between our lips before it too broke.

"hmm.. I suppose that's an acceptable answer... by the way, where'd you learn to kiss so good?" she asked.

"You.. remember, sis?" I replied.

Okay, so it technically wasn't the first time we'd kissed. When we were much younger she and I had practiced kissing a few times, but it was all innocent and fun. I mentioned we used to be practically inseparable, right? We were best friends and lots of boys and girls do that sort of thing as kids, there's nothing weird about it. However, this was certainly our first time kissing with any sort of sexual connotation, and guess what? It still didn't feel weird.

"Oh yeah... almost forgot about that. Well, you've gotten better, bro." Ashley said with a nostalgic smile.

"So have you, Ash." I replied with the same smile, reminiscing along with her.

My throbbing hard on soon reminded me that this was no time for a stroll down memory lane. I began firmly caressing my sister's sexy curves before gently pushing her down onto my bed. I then assumed the position and began to spread her legs when she suddenly stopped me. I looked at her questioningly.

"Not so fast, bro. Have you got a condom?" she asked.

"No..." I replied sheepishly.

Damn it, having condoms had never even crossed my mind. With all the other girls, we never used them because they were on birth control and mom started birth control after that first night when she gave a blowjob.

"Well, that's disappointing. And I stopped taking birth control a couple years back." she said with a frown.

Oh no, this was not what I wanted to hear right now. My lust turned to panic at the thought of not being able to have sex with my sister. Yeah, that's a sentence I didn't think I'd ever utter either. I mean, who gets disappointed over not being able to have sex with his own sister? Me, that's who, apparently. I began thinking of any possible means of rectifying the situation. I even considered hopping in the car to go buy condoms at the drugstore real quick, but that wasn't really a viable option as the mood would surely change before I got back. I racked my brain with ideas, none of them suitable.

"I don't wanna risk pregnancy, but... I've got another idea..." Ashley said.

"I'm all ears." I replied, perking up.

"What if you just do me in the ass?" she asked.

Her suggestion was surprising and frankly, hadn't even crossed my mind. And, once again I was amazed by her bluntness, she never beat around the bush, hard not to admire that in a person. I'd never done anal before, but honestly, I'd kind of always wanted to try it. I just never really expected to get the opportunity and I certainly never expected to be offered by my own sister of all people.

"Really? You sure, sis?" I asked, my earlier panic finally subsiding.

"Yeah, me and my girlfriend do it all the time. You are a bit bigger than the toy she typically uses on me, but you should fit alright." Ashley replied.

"Ok, so long as you're sure." I said.

"Though, she usually uses lube and I don't have any with me. But that's ok, it's easily fixable." Ashley said.

She then scooted off of my bed and kneeled on the floor, before I even knew what was going on she had her soft moist lips wrapped around the head of my cock. I inhaled sharply at the sensation and within an instant the waning fire in my loins had been reignited fully. I began steadily leaking precum, which Ashley hungrily lapped up with her tongue.

"mmm.. you are tasty, no wonder mom looked to be enjoying herself so much last night." she said, removing my cock from her mouth.

I blushed at the compliment as she resumed sucking me off. Ashley worked her tongue all around my shaft, coating my rock hard member in her saliva.

"What do ya thing, bro? It's like I'm taking one of mom's privileges for myself, aren't I so naughty?" she said, pulling her mouth off my cock and letting out the sexiest mischievous giggle I ever heard.

"Yeah.. better not tell mom, she might punish you." I said, joining in the laughter.

"Don't give me any ideas, bro, I'm horny enough as it is." she replied, taking my cock back in her mouth.

I wondered if that meant she wanted mom to punish her, and if so, what could that mean? Ashley began taking my cock deeper into her mouth, stopping just before her throat. She then tried to take my cock into her throat and almost succeeded until her gag reflex activated and caused her to spit my cock out, coughing afterwards.

"hmmm.. seems I can't deepthroat as good as mom" she said with a frown after getting her cough under control.

Damn, just how much did she see last night? Apparently enough to know that mom deepthroated me, quite skillfully I might add. Ashley then gave my cock one last suck, coating it with as much of her saliva as she could. She then got up off the floor and climbed back onto the bed, where she assumed the position on her hands and knees. I took a moment while she was in that position to completely look her over, this time with no shame or fear that she might catch me. Fuck, my sister was so hot. Her face was like that of supermodel, and she didn't even have to wear makeup. Her wavy shoulder length hair, messy from sleep, it somehow made her seem even hotter, more natural. And she truly was a natural beauty in every sense of the term. Her tan flawless skin, perky C-cup tits, round firm ass. Her shaved hairless pussy was about the only thing that wasn't natural, and while I typically had no real preference as far as women's pubic hair was concerned, I had to admit my sister's bald tight wet pussy had me more than a little turned on. She was just perfect. I also couldn't help but notice that even her feet were sexy, not a single blemish on her smooth soles. Hers toes too were of a perfect size and shape, not too long, but not too short either, just right.

"You gonna stare and drool all day or are you gonna get up here and fuck me?" my sister said, turning her head back to look at me, breaking my trance.

"Yeah, sorry sis, you're just so sexy." I told her honestly.

"aww.. thanks lil bro, you're not so bad yourself. Now get a move on." she tried to brush off my compliment but I could tell she was blushing.

Without any further delay I climbed onto the bed behind her on my knees. I position myself so my hard cock was level with her backside. Now, like I said, I'd never done anal before, but I felt like I generally knew my way around from watching porn and what not. I spread her ass cheeks and got a good look at her clean puckered hole. I stuck the tip of my cock to her hole and began very gently and slowly pushing as my sister tried her best to relax. I'd gotten just the tip in her extremely tight asshole and with a yelp from Ashley, I knew my cock wasn't nearly lubed enough. But I felt like I could fit if we just had some lube, well luckily my sister had yet another solution.

"I figured my spit might not be enough, but my pussy is plenty wet, so rub your cock against my pussy, just don't stick it in." my sister suggested, looking back at me.