Ignoring him

The next day,Ayla decided to ignore Damien for hurting her. It hurts that, despite all this, she still loves him. She took a quick shower and headed for class, leaving Nina behind. Miss Bentley's class was very boring so she felt sleepy but kept saying the mantra"You got this Ayla,let's make mom and dad proud". Soon the bell rang for lunch. Ayla and Nina headed towards the spot they normally sit. As usual, Nina bought the food. While eating, Nick and Damien went around. Ayla was angry at the sight of Damien. She couldn't believe she fell for his tricks and gave away her first time to him. She quickly stood up and started walking away, leaving the food behind. 

"Ayla wait". Damien shouted after her. He rushed after her because she was walking fast. Ayla just increased her pace but with Damien being a werewolf, he soon caught up with her. "It's not what you think, Ayla, it's never true. I love you so much and I will never hurt you". Damien explained. Ayla yanked his hands from her shoulders. "Do you think I will fall for that cheesy line again? I can't believe you used me. We are done Damien. It's already over between us and don't you dare look for me again. Go to your lovely fiancée Keisha". Ayla burst out.

"How does it feel using me". Ayla added, "Happy right".Ayla clapped her hands. Damien was taken aback by Ayla's accusations. "Ayla, what's gotten into you? You never trusted me all this while. You just believed what someone told you". Damien said.  "I did so? What now. Should I thank you for using me or should I give you a round of applause for the achievement". Ayla said sarcastically. 

"I'm sorry for not telling you about Keisha, she is just a childhood friend and I only see her as a younger sister. Believe me, I will never hurt you because I love you so much". Damien explained. "Just leave me alone Damien". Ayla walked away. Eli winced, "Our mate doesn't want us again, it's all because of that bitch Keisha. We need to teach her a lesson not to mess with us". "I agree with you Eli". Damien said through the link to his wolf.

Damien walked away angry. He met Keisha along the hallway. Keisha happily threw her hands around his neck. "How is my darling mate doing". Keisha said flirtatiously. Damien yanked his hands away. "Are you giving me this cold attitude because of that bitch Ayla". Keisha said sarcastically. "What if it's because of her? How could you, Keisha? I told you I found my mate and I'm willing to protect her so the deal between us is cancelled". Damien added.

"But Damien, I've always loved you since childhood, can't you love me back? Please". Keisha said in a wrong tone. "Your mate is somewhere searching for you, Keisha. I'm not your mate and don't try to look for me again". Damien explained. "But she doesn't love you Damien,she easily believed me". Keisha said. Damien walked away, leaving Keisha dumbstruck. She had gone through all the efforts to get that human girl away from Damien, but it all proved futile. Keisha laughed at how foolish she was for believing Damien might love her just once. "I guess I need to leave him alone", she told her wolf. Her wolf replied "Let's wait for our fated mate who will love and cherish us". Keisha sighed.