9- Crazy


It was such a beautiful afternoon, the clouds were dark and dense in the North, and the wind was blowing as if bringing news. The news that will make Max scream full of joy with the look of the prince and his Demon Heart. Cliche.

But ...

It's a perfect afternoon!

"Brother. You're so sweet, " Max said while watching Miky who had been asleep.

Even though Miky's eyes are closed, it will not dispel the beauty that emanates from Miky's soul and body. Max is so familiar with his twin brother.

"I really want to be an adult ... I want to have a sister soon."said Max.

"Brother ..., "Max paused his speech. You know what? Max's mind was too hard to guess. Hahaha.

Stop thinking it's crazy. He's just too smart.



"Mrs. Marie was in a coma for a time that could not be predicted, the impact on her head was also a great risk to some parts of her body, we just have to pray and monitor until she came to her senses," said Sam, the doctor.

The doctor's words made Marv feel very sad, and devastated, let's say that Marv loved Marie very much. She can't live without Marie.

"Marie ..."Marv was there, she was still beside Marie who was unconscious, her fingers gently stroking Marie's bandage-wrapped temple.

"Come On, Dear ..., "Max said so softly, he kissed the back of his wife's hand which now feels cold.

"I won't be able to if you go," Max cried, he wouldn't be able to.



I don't know how many tears, but for sure Marv is crying a lot today. It feels like such a long nightmare when you see the most precious person in your life unconscious.

Ash Ash.

Even Marv doesn't care about anything now, Miky? Max? I don't know. Marv was just thinking of her lame Marie here.

"Mommy fell down the stairs. Hiks, for chasing Miky. Miky's the wrong Daddy ..."Miky said at the time.

His son's words were still echoed by Marv. He feels angry!

"Arhhg! Look at Marie, the child you love the most. He caused you like this!"Marv said Sadly.

Marv doesn't hate Miky. But, the taste will be different from now on.

"I will not forgive that child if you leave and leave me, Marie ..."

"I will punish the child myself, Come Back Marie," said Marv wistfully.


Marv's cell phone rang, to be honest she didn't want to talk or see anyone. He just wanted to be with her Marie.

"Hhsh!"Marv hissed, because since earlier his phone rang continuously.

"Hello!"said Marv.

"It's me, Marta," replied The caller.

"Tell me!"Marv really doesn't want to talk to anyone.

"Since Mr. Miky was crying sir, he -"

"I don't care about him!"Marv first cut off the words of Martha.

"But, Mr. Max was with Mr. Miky in his room, we didn't dare to go in and see what happened, Sir ... can you go home? Mr. Miky's cry is very loud, sir, he-"

Again and again Marv seems to be locked in her heart, she doesn't think about Miky, even though Max will hurt Miky, what does Marv care about? This time Marv will only think of Marie, his love.

"I don't care! Let Max do whatever he wants! Don't call me again for that kid's business!"

Click, the call was immediately disconnected unilaterally by Max.

Marv's focus returned to Marie, she did not take her eyes off Marie for a second.

One fact you probably didn't know from the beginning, Marv ... he so loved Marie with everything bad that was stored in his wife.

And yes ... there's something weird here ... Hahaha ... only if klian understands.



"Max ... Hiks, no, hiks!"Miky's cries filled the silence of the luxurious mansion .

Even the servants and bodyguards who were in the front Pavilion went straight to the main mansion. But what's the point? Nobody dares. They're all too scared of Max, remember this, Max is still a five-year-old.

"My God ... Protect yourself, Mr. Miky, " murmured Martha, the young servant.

"Mr. Max is scarier than Mrs. and Mrs..."said another servant. Yes this is a fact and it is true. Max is many times more sadistic and creepy with bloody thoughts than Marv and Marie.

Their faces panicked, Miky's cries were still heard, I don't know what was going on in there.

"Hiks! Max!!"Yelled Miky once again.

"Hisk ..."


"Oh, my god!"Marta stroked her chest, the sound of broken objects, what happened she thought. What does a five-year-old amak do to sound so brutal and terrible?

"Can't you guys look up, how are they doing?"asked Martha who had cried to the guards.

They shook their heads, too afraid of all the bad things that might happen.

"Uncle ...."That's Gidion's voice .

He, the boy was there too.

"Help Miky, she's been crying all day," Gidion told the five-year-old.

Gidion sees everything when Max returns with Miky asleep in his arms, Max takes Miky to the room and orders no one to disturb them.

Gidion felt very sorry. The feeling he felt wasn't just a pity, he felt that Max was bad. He could have hurt Miky. Gidion, he wants to protect Miky.

Is it possible?

Hahaha, I don't know ...

"Hiks ... I'm sorry Miky, Miky promised not to repeat everything that happened today. Miky please. Hisk ..."said Miky, who was crying.

When she woke up, she saw that her twin sister was beside her with such a terrible look, and Miky knew that at that time, Max must have been angry with her.

"Hiks ..."Miky's cries continue to be heard.

Max grinned. He looked at how his brother was scared. That's the best, Max thought.

"Sis," Max's voice was very low. He approached Miky who had been avoiding him, ahh, more precisely Miky who is now hiding behind the wardrobe.

"You won't be able to hide ..., "said Max with a chuckle, as if making fun of Miky.

Max approaches, and approaches. He knew that his brother was really scared right now. And yeah ... that's good!

"Fear me brother ... then you're not going anywhere ..."Max said in a loud voice.


Max easily pulls Miky from behind the closet. She immediately brought her brother who kept crying to bed.

"Hisk, no! Hiks ... Max!"Miky's tears are becoming more and more.

"Shut up . Shut up brother, " then max put the handcuffs on both hands Miky still wearing mitten.

"Hisk! Max don't it! What do you want Max?"Miky asked letalutan when max brought a jar, a candle, and a red thread.

"I want to fix you, brother ...."The devil's smile came back.

"Not Max!"

"It can't be brother ..."

"Arhghgh ... Max it hurts so much, Max! Forgive Miky! Hiks! Max!"

"Hahaha ..."

"This is perfect brother ..."

He's crazy!