11- The Hero

"Are you out of mind?!"

The sound was loud along with Max's room door opening from outside. There a child who was still the same age as Max stood firmly accompanied by two stocky adults, the bodyguards of the child who was none other than Bram.

"Bram!" Max hisses when he realizes that his sweet activity with Miky has been disturbed by the demon boy.

Bram and his two bodyguards came in and approached Max. "Oh, my god! You-"


Bram did not have time to continue his speech, he had first hit Bram's jaw. Suddenly Bram immediately fell down with blood coming out of the corner of his lips.

"Shit!" Bram Hisses . When Bram's bodyguards want to immediately repay Max for Bram's actions, Bram has first coded them to remain silent in place.

"Why are you here?! A nuisance." Max asked with a haughty look at Bram.

Bram got up and wiped the melt of blood on his face.

"If my sweet sister hadn't asked me to deliver this pie for you, I wouldn't have set my foot here!"Bram said with a grunt, because his beloved sister, Arabella, asked him to bring her homemade pies to Max The Jerk.

"Ck!" Max turned back to his sweet sister, who else if not Miky.

Miky just fell silent and looked at Max, Miky even voiceless he was very very weak and scared at that time.

"Ma-x ..." Miky said softly, her eyes were getting wet from her crying.

"Just wait a little while, brother ... this will be over soon, I promise everything I say to you will always be the best," said Max with a soft look that will only be able to be seen by Miky, because Max will not do as soft as this except for his brother, Miky a.

"Where were we, brother?" Max is starting to look back at Miky's knee, What are you thinking? Would Max have the heart to cut off his own brother's leg?


The crazier it gets the more interesting right? That is, the life you live is no more like a fairy tale with a sweet image that holds a thousand dark sides. Does anyone understand? No? Then we're different.

Bram and his two bodyguards stared horror at Max, who with his happy face raised a chainsaw, what is such a powerful tool for? Maybe a normal person would run straight or call the police and tell them that a crazy sister was trying to cut off her twin brother's leg with a chainsaw.

"Max! You're really crazy!" Bram, screaming from his place, before this he already knew that Max was crazy and cruel, but Bram never thought that Max would be really this cruel.

Being one of the descendants of blue blood makes them too ordinary to get what they want, even in their very very young age, you can even conclude that if they, the half-monster blue blood children have not gone through puberty, imagine that those who are young are already so young, then what might happen when they grow up? Hahaha no one knows, just wait and enjoy the plot. Everything that is not certain even everything that has been carefully planned can be easily destroyed, right? Hahaha.

Bram was completely powerless when watching how Max brought the knife closer to his twin legs. Bram became reminded of his sweet sister, Arabella ... how could his sister match with a monster like Max?!

Bram blinked his eyes, "wait a minute, he's Max's Twin, his twin brother?" Bram muttered softly, a second later Bram tightened his hands, making some small veins visible there.

"That means he's my sister's mate and not you!" Bram's hiss while pushing the New saw scratched part of Miky's knee.

"You and your family have lied!"Bram is now back to punch Max who is still losing focus.

"Hisk, Max ..."Miky cried when he saw how Bram punched his brother until fresh blood flowed out from Max's ear. Do you know, no matter how severe the wound in the stomach or other parts of your body you will still remain conscious and able to control yourself, but when the wound or blow hit your ear it is certain you will lose, just like Max who now lost consciousness.

"Brother-" said Max and he immediately unconscious with ears that continue to bleed.

Miky who is stupid and will always love her twin sister is very sad, she is terrified at this time, Miky even thrusts a fruit knife next to his to protect his self and Max who is no longer aware. Bram wants to get closer and calm Miky but Miky loudly cries.

"Hisk, you-you guys don't come any closer! Hiks, Max wake up Max, hiks, " Miky cried as he wiped the blood out of Max's ears with his white hands that looked very contrasting.

Bram really can be very depressed if he becomes Arabella, his sister Why have to match with such a family?! Miky isn't perfect enough for her sister, Arabella, anyway. It would be better if this remained a secret right? Arabella won't know who her real soul mate is, and of course Arabella won't be stuck with a weak and useless person like Miky, that's what Bram thinks. What? You want to assume more? Do you think Bram is one of the good guys here? Hhaha, wrong. I don't like the good characters in this story, because-there's no such thing as good people, they all have their own purpose.

"I can easily kill him right now," said Bram, who was kneeling next to Miky, who was still stupidly darkening the blood coming out of her brother's ear.

Miky looked at Bram with teary eyes, "hiks, don't hurts Max! Why Are you evil?" Miky asked very innocently.

"Ck. Evil? If I'm bad then what's the right word to describe your twin brother, huh?!" Bram even bravely grabbed Miky's chin,if only Max was conscious, i can be sure if at that time Bram's hand was broken.

"Hiks-Let Go!" Miky tried to lower Bram's hand that touched his face, Miky always remembered when Max and his parents always warned him that no one else should come into contact with Miky, and because Miky was such an innocent obedient child he was happy to do what his crazy family asked.

"Shouldn't you be thanking me? I came in time and your legs are at least intact, right? Ah and that neck of yours, I'm late for this one," said Bram who now switched to touch the neck level Miky which already has a painting of Max and Max's ownership stamp.

"I should be able to take you and label you as my slave..."Bram said by gripping Miky's neck until Miky had trouble to breathe.

"Hiks ... let go of me!" Miky crying in louder voice But, there's not effect of it, although Miky's body is very weak, because before Max did give a lot of drugs that he did not know what the side effects.

Bram releases Miky and then stands up looking haughtily at Max and Miky. "I'll make you an offer," Bram said by opening his watch.

"Go and hide as far as possible, lest I or even this Monster Max be able to find you, otherwise I will kill Max this very second."Bram said without feeling.

"What!?"Miky had a hard time digesting Bram's words.

"Stupid."Bram said flat.

"I'll stick this dagger right in Max's heart if in the tenth you're still here."Bram said as he stroked his golden dagger.

Just blame Miky, Miky is stupid and doesn't know anything, she's so innocent."One, two, three!"Bram keeps counting without caring about Miky who wants.

"Go! Hide or you'll see the death of your beloved twin sister, Miky ..."Bram said.

When Bram was about to stick the knife, Miky immediately ran from there, he did not know but his brain asked to run immediately and leave there so that the golden dagger did not penetrate Max's chest.

Miky ran without direction, he went down the stairs, this is the first time he felt freedom in his steps, because before that he had never walked and ran so freely. "Max will survive, Miky must hide if Miky wins then Max will survive," Miky said while running and crying.

When he reached the main door, Miky looked back, what was he doing this time right? Is it okay if he goes away and disappears from his family?Will Miky be able?

"Come on. Miky ..., "said a child who spread his hand and took Miky away as far as possible from there.

"Gidion?"the handsome boy smiled convincingly at Miky.

"You will be free, you will be happy like a bird that flies wherever it wants, Come on..., "said Gidion with his signature smile.

Miky once again looked back, her tears dripping without him noticing, " Mommy, Daddy. Miky wants to hide from Bram and Max first yes, Miky has to do this to keep Max safe ..., "Miky said so innocently.

"Goodbye ... Max-"