21 - No!


Gidion ignored, after taking Miky home, not at all Gidion said a word.

"Ion..."Miky whined, she was afraid that if Gidion got angry and ended up abandoning her, ah Miky how could it be? No one would want to abandon such a sweet and rare young man as yourself

"Never mind, you better take a shower and rest, I'll make you dinner," said Gidion, who passed by the kitchen.

Miky looked down deeply, before Gidion had never been so cold to her.

"Ion is angry at Miky," said Miky softly.

Miky didn't do what Gidion told her to do. She chose to go inside her room and hide inside the blanket.

Accidentally not turning on the light, Miky begins to shed tears, not only because Gidion looks angry at him, but also about the meeting Miky and Max dusk earlier in the Meadow.

Miky feels really missed Max, he is so eager to express his feelings, but on the other hand Miky has absolutely no power to do that.

Let's just say Miky was stupid for believing Bram's words thirteen years ago. But that's a fact.

"Will Miky be able to see Max again tomorrow?"Miky murmured with her tears wetting her beige blanket.


The door is open, who else? It's Gidion.

"Miky," Gidion came in and turned on the room light. The room he has decorated in accordance with the wishes of Miky.

Clouds disguised as lights on the ceiling of the room, then some small star lights, with soft blue room paint, and some stuffed lions have been neatly arranged in the corner of the room.

Gidion sees a wad of blankets," Miky, " Gidion sighs closer to Miky who ignores Gidion's presence.

"What is it?"Gidion was sitting next to Miky, he used his hand to wipe Miky's brown hair that still shines, as if the brown color of the hair paint could not cover the original color of Miky's hair.

"Are you angry with me now?"asked Gidion initiative.

Gidion can feel a shake from under the blanket, then Miky shortly pulled out a little head from under the blanket.

"Ion is angry at Miky," Miky said.

The white face was flushed with watery eyes, really for whatever sake Miky looked adorable.

"You're crying," Gidion wiped away the tears Miky let out, he then framed Miky's face and looked into Miky's eyes deeply.

"The contact lenses have to be removed first, what if you fall asleep and forget to remove them?"

Gidion carefully removed the brown contact lens that covered Miky's heterochromia eye.

"Ass, it hurts..."Miky was quiet when Gidion took off the little thing.

"Shut... It won't hurt anymore," Gidion immediately took Miky into his arms.

Actually he doesn't want to wear contact lenses to Miky every day, but the original color of Miky's eyeballs that are so rare will attract attention.

Thankfully, everything Gidion can handle.

"I'm not angry anymore?"Miky whispered in Gidion's arms.

Gidion shook his head," I'm not angry Miky, I'm just a little upset, " said the young man with the charming Tan skin.

"But Ion silenced Miky, Ion was so cold, Ion-"

"Shut... Ok. Ok... I'm sorry, okay?"Gidion kissed Miky's right cheek softly. Such a kiss is already very familiar to Gidion and Miky.


Let's imagine, what if Max knew all this, how he could control his demonic side when he knew his Miky was touched and in contact with other people.

Later, it'll happen and I'll make sure everything's not gonna be okay.

"Yes," Miky said.


Miky and Gidion are still enjoying the heat of each other's bodies.

Miky finally opens her voice and questions Max.

"Ion, just now Miky met Max,"

"I know," Gidion replied quickly.

"Ion know?"Miky is so proud that now she can look directly into amber Gidion's eyes.

"Yes, I know that if Max had met you earlier, I know because since noon Max came to this village to buy Uncle Joe's wine."

Miky is silent, he doesn't know this is a coincidence or fate, but he thinks Switzerland has gone so far with Alaska, has Max really been looking for Miky all this time? That's what Mikey was thinking.

"Miky, I'm scared..."Gidion's voice awakened Miky from her reverie.

"What is Ion afraid of?"asked Miky.

Gidion now put himself to sleep in Miky's bed, he then pulled Miky until the beautiful young man fell asleep on Gidion's chest.

Miky Gidion closed his eyes, " I'm afraid Max will take you away from me, I'm afraid that I won't be strong enough to keep you by my side, I'm very afraid, Miky..."




Miky hears Gidion's heartbeat as he says all those things, " Ion... "Miky doesn't know how to respond.

On the one hand Miky even really wants to go back and hug Max's body, Miky wants her Max back as before, but on the other hand she won't be able to leave Gidion who has been with her all the time.

"Miky, will you promise me?"asks Gidion.

"What will Miky promise me?"Miky asked softly.

"Don't go with Max, don't go until Max recognizes you," Gidion said Seriously.


"Miky, please promise me. I've never asked you for anything, but today I'm asking you."

Miky was getting cornered, it was such a heavy promise. Very heavy.

"Yes, Miky promised Ion."

Finally with. very slowly and filled with sadness Miky promises one more thing that will hurt her inside and out.

Miky could feel if Gidion hugged her tightly, "thank you Miky."

"Miky who should be grateful to Ion," although in deep sadness, Miky accepted as much as possible.

"I want you to stay out of this house until Max gets back to his place."

"What?"beo Miky is a little incredulous.

"I want you to not let Max see you."




"Don't go anywhere without my permission Miky..."said Gidion who brought Miky's memory to Max and his family.

"You are not allowed to leave without my permission," repeated Gidion.



Deja Vu.

"Miky, you hear me, right?"asks Gidion.

Miky nodded once more, she chose to close her eyes and let Gidion's big body hug her tightly.

"Miky heard Ion, Miky's not going anywhere..."said Miky very obediently.

"Right, you have to listen to me, you won't see Max again, never..."

"No, you won't see him again, I promise..."

Gidion repeats his words, as if convincing himself that he is able to separate Max and Miky, but will everything go smoothly?

Max is not a weak Fool. I'm sure that, Max or Gidion have almost equal power,we just have to watch how Miky will choose.