Another Lover

I couldn't calm my face down until Michael was completely out of my sight. The view had a considerable impact on me. In fact, I had never seen a naked man like this before.

When all the girls in high school were going out with guys, I was too skinny and introverted to join them. I thought about giving my virginity to someone random, but I backed out at the last minute. I didn't want to be so hasty. What was the point of doing this if it was not someone I love?

But I was not ignorant enough to not know what would happen between Michael and me. Michael just seemed to have a sizable and scary 'package'. And he was going to stuff that into me. Oh my god! Was that possible?

The only thing I'd ever stuffed into my body in my life was a tampon. Obviously, that was a far cry from Michael's 'package'. And I was still a beginner. I'd heard that most men didn't like inexperienced girls. That could be very troublesome.