
After Michael left, I sat alone on the couch and stared at the gold card.

I wasn't done with my class, I hadn't finished my homework, and I didn't want to do anything.

The reason Michael gave me the gold card haunted me. It was obviously a significant card, but I couldn't figure out what its owner meant when he gave it to me.

I had never felt so emotional about a person. After a week with Michael, I had started to settle into a routine, and so had Michael.

We had breakfast and dinner together. I did my assignments in the evening, and Michael would take care of some things at the table. We would sometimes play games together, watch movies, and sleep in the same bed at night.

Michael kept his word. He didn't do anything to me that would upset my wolf, and we got along so well that I couldn't help but develop feelings for Michael. But now it seemed we had gone back to square one, where we were not lovers but caretakers and prisoners.