The Strange Throbbing

"Keep your chest out," Michael said in an urgent, commanding voice.

I hesitantly followed, pushing my nipples deeper into Michael's mouth.

Michael accepted them without hesitation as if they were some delicious candy. Michael's lips were icy, but his tongue was hot. He pressed one hand on my other side of the suckling flesh and held the tip of my nipple with the tip of his tongue. He sucked on it repeatedly until it made a slurping sound.

I shivered from his advances, but my mind was clear.

This was Michael, my mate.

My heart was beating faster and faster, and I couldn't control my reaction. I was frightened by Michael's aggressive intrusion, but I was comforted by his delicious mate scent, which turned Michael's somewhat rough movements into a strange thrill.

Michael finally let go of me before he could suck the skin off me, and his hand came off the suckling flesh and turned to hold my butt.