Why Not Mark Me Already?

I saw Michael's face turn red with excitement, his arms around my legs, his movements growing more frenzied, his powerful waist twitching violently, his long, thick blade ravaging the soft, wet hole beneath me. I trembled and felt my legs go weak.

Michael kept scratching and rubbing my buttocks, pushing my thighs apart. There was almost no space between us, and each of his blows went into the deepest part of my body. I looked up, trying to lick Michael's mouth and chin sweat. I hooked my tongue around his, and we exchanged erotic saliva.

We were both so caught up in the ecstasy of sex that we couldn't feel anything but each other, and the atmosphere in the car was unimaginably erotic. In this small world, we had no arguments, no confrontations, just endless love, and possessiveness.

By the time everything was over, I was so tired that I couldn't speak.

Michael dressed me and let me lie down on his lap to rest,