He Won't Mark You

I put the last ingredients into the pot, took off my apron, and tried to leave the kitchen.

"You won't get what you want, Cecily, because you weren't on the right path in the first place. Give up those useless efforts," Joanna said behind me.

I stopped, closed my eyes, and walked up to Joanna.

I looked straight at Joanna and said, "You're the one who should let go of those useless fantasies. You're saying these things to me now because Michael belongs to me. You can't find any chance with him, so you want to make a move on me. But I'm telling you, it's impossible. The Moon Goddess gave Michael to me, and we'll be together forever."

"Oh? Cecily, is that what you think?" Joanna tilted her head, revealing a playful smile. "Child, you're still too naive. I want to ask you a question. Has he marked you yet?"

"No, because I didn't allow him to do that before," I replied.