Lift The Shirt

I pursed my lips, unsure if I could say no.

Michael took his hand out, and just as I was both relieved and disappointed, Michael said, "If you don't want me to do it, you can touch yourself."

"What?!" I thought I heard him wrong.

But Michael didn't seem like he was joking. He touched my waist and his thumb pressed against my lower abdomen, silently hinting for me to lift my clothes for him to see.

By now, the sunset glow had almost covered half the sky. The burning clouds were as beautiful as a fairyland.

I looked up and saw that Michael's face also reflected a thin layer of red by the sunset glow, just like the color of lust. His long eyelashes were golden, and his eyes were golden. He was dazzling.

I was mesmerized by his charm and groggily touched his face with my fingers.

Then, I saw Michael smile, open his mouth, and lick my fingertips. "Little Wolf, lift your shirt," he said.