My Princess

However, when I looked directly at Kim's face, which was covered in golden fur, I felt that this was appropriate.

The golden wolf was the perfect creation of the Moon Goddess.

Mia was stunned by Kim's appearance as well. I could even sense a rare hint of embarrassment in her heart, like a young girl in love.

She had completely forgotten what she wanted to do and was staring at Kim's face in a daze.

If wild beasts could blush, Mia would probably be as red as a ripened apple by now.

Kim quickly understood Mia's thoughts from his mate's contact, and then his eyes narrowed slightly. His eyes were even more undisguised than Michael's; 'you're mine'.

I did not doubt that in the next moment, Kim would swallow Mia as if he was eating a delicious meal.

Kim took a step forward, and Mia felt a hidden danger in the air, so she timidly took a step back.