Michael's Reminiscence

Michael's POV:

I immediately stood up from my chair.

"Enough!" I shouted at my father.

He looked surprised because my voice was so loud, I suspected that even the guards outside the door could hear me, but I still did it.

Anyway, I'd never been the son that the King was satisfied with, nor was I his heir. He had expressed his disappointment in me countless times, so it didn't make a difference whether it was one more time or not.

My wild beast was stimulated by my agitated emotions and wanted to come out. I tried my best to calm my breathing. At this time, it would be best if Cecily was by my side. She would be able to calm me down as quickly as possible. But she wasn't here, so I had to control myself. No matter how angry I was, I couldn't let my beast get to my father.

I forced myself to focus on my father. Damn, he made me separate from my mate. We had just marked and shouldn't have left each other's side.