I Apologize To You

Looking at Michael, who was sleeping soundly beside my pillow, I got up from the bed. I had been sleeping the entire day and wasn't sleepy at all.

And I hate sleeping now because there were always annoying people appearing in my dreams, making me anxious after waking up and repeatedly questioning my mate.

But why did Michael do that? I turned my head and traced Michael's eyebrows with my gaze.

Michael's behavior had been very strange recently. Everything was fine when we were on the island, but Michael seemed to have changed into a different person since we returned to the palace. He didn't even get close to me these days and didn't care where I went or what I did every day. This week, Michael and I were like two strangers who slept in the same bed.

And those dreams, there was always a stubborn voice in my heart telling me that all of them were real, but Michael denied all of it.