Amane Kei is a first-year student at Tachibana Private High School, a relatively new but elite high school that only students with the best results or athletic records are accepted. However, he is also a social outcast due to him purposefully distancing himself from everyone else. His wishes to be left alone are in vain however, as his handsome looks coupled with his other traits leave him with girls confessing to him on a frequent basis which means he is the target of hate from the other boys.
Chihiro Mai is a first-year student in the same class as Amane Kei, as opposed to Kei, Mai is a socially awkward girl who is extremely shy and awkward when talked to by other people. However, she is labelled by the boys as the most beautiful girl in the school. This leaves her with boys trying to take advantage of her shy and timid traits when confessing to her.
Two students in two different worlds with the same problem. Each of them has their own secrets that they don’t want anyone to find out at any cost. But the biggest secret these two friendless students want to keep hidden, is that the two people in class whom everyone wishes to befriend, are actually friends with each other.