apology and your knees on the floor

Gracia's relationship with Alex's family is very bad.  In hand Alex's parents, her relationship with their son gave a bad impact and made Alex's good attitude slowly turn bad.  Alex's family still upholds eastern culture and is very different from Gracia's lifestyle, Alex is an obedient son according to his parents but all that changed after Alex studies abroad and now their son has turned into a rebellious man who alloys alcohol and goes to parties and even takes drugs.  All the bad habits in Alex's life are because of Gracia, that's what Alex's parents thought but they don't know for sure what's going on in their son's relationship.

 Even though Gracia knows Alex's family doesn't like her, that doesn't mean she gives up and thinks their love opportunity has run out.  The proof is, that this morning she visited Alex's luxury house. She feels Alex's luxury home is like her own home. She knows the activities of the busy house members and she can go in and out as she wants.  

She got out of her car and jogged into the house. She knew at this hour Alex was getting ready to go to the office, Alex was the last family member to leave the house because he took care of the branch office which was not yet active and busy.

 "Honey, are you done getting ready?"  Gracia shouted from downstairs, her long legs were showing because she was wearing black hot pants and a tight tank top wrapped around her body and finished within a knit outer, her blonde hair was loose with Messy hair that looks natural.  She woke up late this morning because there was no Alex beside her.

 Hearing Gracia's familiar voice, Alex, who was buttoning the cuffs of his sleeves, looked panicked. He came out of his room carrying a suit in his hand that he had not had time to wear.  He forbade Gracia to visit his parents' house because there would be a commotion every time his girlfriend came to this house.  

Unfortunately, it was too late because Gracia had already arrived at the doorstep of Alex's room, she leaned one hand on the doorstep and whistled, found at her boyfriend's neat appearance, the whistle sounded mocking at him.

 "What are you doing here!"  Alex's voice rose in anger that Gracia didn't listen to him.  He doesn't want any commotion in this house because of his girlfriend.

 "Why! That's how you talk to your girlfriend who misses you and she is willing to spend her savings visiting you here!"  Gracia's reply was no less concerned about Alex's anger.

 Alex stroked his forehead seeing Gracia's nonchalant behavior which was still the same as her signature.  "You do know what I mean right. You can't stop by here. I'll visit you. Just tell me where you're staying, for now, I'll take the time to meet you but please, you don't even need to come here!"

 Gracia knew that Alex was soft against her so she wouldn't be afraid even if Alex had raised his voice to her.

 "Why are you, my boyfriend, I've even slept on this bed before!"  Walking from the doorstep to Alex's king bed, Gracia's hand stroked the soft surface of the bed, her head tilted slightly to look at her lover who was irritated by her actions.  "I miss sleeping here. I want to sleep in a soft bed. You are so selfish Alex. You make me feel neglected and live a cheap life while you sleep peacefully and comfortably here."

 Alex sighed heavily at Gracia's words.  He couldn't get angry, "I'm sorry."  He said with a face full of regret.

 After hearing Alex's apology, Gracia smiled broadly.  She straightened her head and slightly moved her shoulders, a sign that she was in a good mood.  "Not a problem because one problem was almost clear."

 Alex didn't understand Gracia's words.

 "Ah, you still don't understand huh. So, I went to see Bela and told the girl who had surnamed Jang to take my place."

 Alex snorted lightly at Gracia's nonsensical remark.  "Stop making jokes. I have to go to work. Please go home, I promise you I will visit you after I get home from work, I have an important appointment today so I can't be absent."  Alex's gaze hoped that the woman who folded her legs on the edge of his bed could understand his burdener.

 Gracia's face turned serious and with a heavy tone, she said.  "Promised, promised, you promised me too much Alex. Do I eat promises? I don't need sweet promises from you from now on, what I need now is a decent life, a position, money, clothes, and expensive jewelry."  Her gaze was so deep and sharp that it stabbed into Alex's eyeball.

 "You know, I'll give it all to you."

 "Well. You can give all that to me but you can't give back what I once had!"  Gracia lifted herself from the bed, her feet stomped on the floor, and then go away from her recent position, she intended to leave Alex but when their bodies were on a parallel line, Gracia paused for a moment, she didn't look at Alex but the sharp words from her lips were directed for Alex.  "You have to pay for everything Alex!"  She said with a deep voice.

 "Hurry up and meet Bella and convince her to marry you, remember your sins over me!"

 The sound of the tapping of Gracia's heels was getting faded and further away, but the tightness that made it difficult for Alex to take breathing got even heavier, he almost fell to the floor if he didn't hold on to the table not far from his standing position.

 He shook his head trying to get rid of the thoughts that had been haunting him these past few years, he thought of Bela.  "Now you have to get involved with my problem."  He said regretfully.


 The sound of the cell phone in Alex's pocket rings, he regulates his breathing to be calmer and able to stand on his feet.  He pulled his cell phone from his pant pocket and saw an incoming message from Gracia.

 "The sooner you get Bella it will be the best. Was your family like that Asian girl, she will work for you and me to drain your family's wealth. I want to see your family suffer as you make me! If I can't get your love then  I have to get your treasure. Isn't that fair?"

 Alex's hands were shaking.  He was at his wit's end against Gracia.  He ran away and ended his relationship with Gracia but in the end, he had to return to Gracia, he would not be able to escape from Gracia because in the past he had made a big mistake.  No matter how far he ran away, Gracia would continue to haunt him.

 'My loved, work hard for me.  We will live together forever!'

 The message returned to Alex's cell phone and it was still from Gracia, now not only his hands were shaking but his eyes too, his eyes were red from holding crying and his emotion.

 "Ah!"  He shouted while wiping his face roughly.  He gaped at what he should do.  Whatever he did for Gracia's sake, she would never satisfy and she never forgives him.