Celebrate our Union

The next day came so quick, Debbi woke up and got ready for school, she wore a golden gown which had length at her thighs, it revealed a lot of part of her fair lap, and it barely covered anything. The neckline was very deep that it showed a lot part of her breasts, it only managed to cover her nipples

Then she wore her heels and applied red lipstick on her lips, using the eye pencil, she outlined her lips perfectly, then the mascara which she used to apply some effects on her lashes

She looked pronounced and that was what she wanted, she was going to get what hers. She quietly left her room not to gain her mother's attention but the woman seemed to be everywhere

"Young lady" Lilian's voice echoed behind her, "come over to the kitchen" Lilian added, Debbi grudgingly walked over to her mother

"Where are you going?" She asked her, her gaze still on the onion she was slicing

"School" Debbi replied, her response causing Lilian to look up at her "like this?" She asked with her index finger pointing at her dressing

"Are you sure you are going to school or a club?" Lilian asked "mom, I am old enough to make choices of what I want to wear, for crying out loud mom I am eighteen" Debbi blurted out, why can't this woman let her be

"You look like a whore right now," Lilian told her "I beg your pardon" Debbi was taken aback by her mother's statement

"Do not beg for it, I would give it to you for free" Lilian retorted "mom" Debbi sounded harsh now

"If you want to go to school, go in there, change those clothes and put on more decent ones" Lilian instructed

"Mom, I choose what I want to wear, not you" Debbi fired causing her mom to step closer to her

"You want to know what I can do right? You want to know what I am capable of doing huh? Try me by leaving this house dressed like this and then you would know that your mother is a very stubborn woman, leave this house like this and you would hate me, try me" Lilian warned, there were dangers in those words of hers

"I heard voices from… holy Mary mother of God, Debbi" Trevor was shocked to see his sister dressed like a whore "Debbi what on earth are you wearing?" Trevor asked

"Good question son, ask this little girl who claims she is eighteen and can do whatever she wants because you are eighteen I do not have a say in your life huh? Now let me tell you, go to your room and change these provocative clothes you are wearing" Lilian ordered

Debbi had no choice but to obey her mother, her mother had just ruined her first plan of dressing seductive, this woman!

"What is gotten into Deborah Alexander? The day before yesterday she went to Damien's house and came back all moody, yesterday, she did not go to school and claimed she was not strong and today, she is dressing like someone into prostitution, I do not get her anymore, Damien called me and I asked if he and Debbi fought but he said that they did not, I do not know what is wrong with your sister anymore" Lilian was confused

"Mom, just concentrate on preparing the meal, I would talk to Debbi," Trevor said before leaving the kitchen

Debbi grumpily changed into a pair of black jeans and a pink shirt, she then wore her black sandals, she hissed as she walked out of her room

"What are you doing here?" She asked Trevor who was leaning on the door "are you trying to seduce Damien?" Trevor answered her question with a question

"Stop it, I had enough with mom this morning and I am not ready to continue to argue with you" Debbi pleaded "it is just a question Debbi" Trevor added "I am late" Debbi walked past him.

She took a cab to school, upon arriving, she went inside, the college was flooded with students, those walking in and out.

Debbi met Aimee and Anita on her way to class "hi Debbi, Damien was sick and worried about you" Aimee stated engulfing her in a warm hug

Debbi wanted to slap her across the face but restricted herself "I know, he is my best friend, I would do the same if it were to be him" Debbi acted like everything was cool with her

"We wanted to celebrate our union but Damien insisted that you must be around" Aimee added "oh that is so thoughtful of you guys and congratulations" Debbi had a smile that did not touch her eyes

"You guys have already met" Damien spoke and they turned around, the Greek god was approaching them, he was handsome like ever, and his smile could make any woman go down on her knees begging for his love.

Debbi smiled back at him, he hugged her before Aimee, and he kissed her passionately in front of them all. Debbi's blood began to boil, it took everything in her to stay calm

"I guess we have classes to attend, we would celebrate during lunchtime" Lucas announced and everyone nodded

Debbi hurriedly left the arena and went straight to the ladies, she washed her face severally and tried her best to stay put. If she had to do this, she had to be calm.

Debbi went to her literature class, she could not pay attention in class, her mind was in chaos, and she just could not focus in class


"Where is Debbi?" Damien asked, his eyes searching for among them "I think her class extended into the break time, I can not see any literature student around here" Aimee stated

"Sorry guys, I am late" Debbi apologized immediately after she arrived "your class delayed you right?" Lucas asked "yes, literature is really interesting," Debbi told them

"Okay, every one of you should order a meal, bill on me" Damien announced "oh my goodness, thank you" Anita greeted

"My sister got the best boyfriend in the world" Anita continued to praise Damien, "I am happy for you guys" she added

"I am glad you are happy for us" Damien stated, his smile very broad "em, Lucas let's go check up on a few things, we would be back," Damien said "eat till your satisfaction" added Lucas

"Debbi" Aimee called out "yes" Debbi gazed at her "I want to know more about Damien's childhood" she added

"You have a better chance to explain it to us, Damien told me a lot about you" Aimee stated

"Really?" Debbi cocked an eyebrow "yes" replied Aimee

"Well there is nothing much about Damien, he is a nice guy, and he is lovely to be with, he is my best friend and no one can come between us," Debbi said the last part more like a warning to Aimee.

Well, the warning reached Aimee very well, she began to question Damien's relationship with Debbi. Maybe there was more to their friendship.