Truth and dare

This chapter is dedicated to @lee_grace, thanks for voting

The loud hip-hop music filled the air and the colourfully light almost blinded Debbi as she walked in, she was taken aback by what she saw at the party

What was she even expecting? There were a lot of girls dressed in skimpy and provocative clothes, showing off their bodies, dancing on the dance floor with different guys

Steph was not left out, she laughed and ridiculed the girls wearing provocative clothes to Damien's party.

The party was held in the garden, the garden was big enough to contain a lot of people so it was the perfect place for the party. The chairs were arranged in a round table pattern and waitresses filed the party, taking care of people's orders.

Debbi and Steph were able to locate a vacant table away from the DJ and the loudspeakers but that did not stop the really loud music from echoing in their ears

"I am beginning to think that coming here was a bad idea" Debbi screamed because the speakers were loud

"Oh come on girl! We are here to have fun!" Steph exclaimed "let go take a drink" she added as she tried to grab Debbi's arm to get up

"No Steph, let us just sit and watch" Debbi was not ready to drink, she had zero tolerance for alcohol "we are here to cruise, let's have some fun!" Steph had already gotten up to her feet and Debbi just followed her not arguing

"Can I get two glasses of red wine?" Debbi asked before Steph could say a word to the waitress, Steph glared at her before turning to look at the waitress but she was long gone.

"Why not alcohol?" Steph asked "because I do not want to get drunk" Debbi replied as they stood by the bar stand

"Debbi, it's high time you do new things, stop this holier than though the attitude of yours" stated Steph and she hissed.

The waitress was back with their order and they appreciated her before leaving. On their way, they met Anita "oh! It is Debbi, I thought you had some dignity for yourself but I was wrong because you are a shameless brat, how could you attend the party of the guy you wanted to snatch from my sister?" Anita asked

"Hold it there young lady, I would not stand and watch you insult my friend like that, if you know what is good for you you respect yourself and let peace reign" Steph retorted

"I see Debbi, you brought your backup along with you, indeed you are nothing without her" Anita showed an irritated face, that was it! Debbi was done being calm to these twins

"Let me warn you myself, do not get to be on my black list Anita, I am warning you, I wrong move and you turn to my enemy" Debbi fired "wait! Am I not your enemy already, well if you do not consider me your enemy, I do, you are a boyfriend snatcher, a gold digger and a whore" Anita yelled at her face


A slap landed on Anita's face courtesy of Steph "I told you to watch your mouth you hooligan, but you did not listen to me, I have warned you, Anita, let us leave here" Steph was all fired up as she dragged Debbi with her

They sat on the chair lost in their thoughts, Debbi could not seem to wrap her head around what happened a few minutes ago, they thought she was weak but she was going to prove them wrong today. There is one thing constant in life and that was changed, she was no longer going to be that calm Debbi who wanted peace to reign, she was going to be wild, untamed, she was going to let her full self out today and there was no going back.

"I want to grab a drink," Debbi told Steph who in turn looked at her suspiciously, "alright" Steph could only agree and they both left for the bar stand

This time around Debbi ordered dry gin which was quite surprising to Steph, she did not understand why Debbi had ordered for that

"Let us have some fun!" Debbi screamed laughing out loud as she got lost on the dance floor 'what has gotten over Debbi?' Steph asked, she walked up to Debbi to keep an eye on her.

"Hi" Debbi waved at a group of people who were sited in a circular pattern, Aimee was in Damien's arms as he lavished her with kisses while Anita sat beside Lucas and some other students

Damien looked up at Debbi and was shocked, he knew she was going to come but he did not expect her to be this wild, the Debbi he knew was calm and reserved but right now she looked so untamed and wild

"What is going on here?" Debbi asked as she took a vacant seat alongside Steph who was praying silently that Debbi would get her senses back so that they could leave this place, she (Steph) was so embarrassed

"We are playing the game" a random person answered not that Debbi did not know the person but she was not interested to find out who the person was

"What game?" Debbi asked "truth and dare" Aimee replied causing Debbi to gaze at her

"Truth and dare" she (Debbi) murmured to herself "sounds interesting" she added, "can I join?" She asked surprising Steph as well as Lucas, Damien and the twins. "I do not think it is a good idea" Steph whispered into Debbi's ears but she paid deaf ears to Steph

"Okay," Aimee agreed sitting up on Damien's lap "truth or dare?" Aimee asked "truth" Debbi replied

"Is it true that you are a boyfriend snatcher?" Aimee asked causing everyone to laugh at her, Debbi felt embarrassed for a few minutes until it then hit her

"No I am not" she replied and the laughter died down "my turn, truth or dare?" Debbi asked

"Truth" Aimee replied, "is Damien the first guy you slept with?" Her question made everyone exclaim, while Aimee was taken aback, she never saw this coming

"It is truth and dare darling, do not lie" Debbi added, Aimee could not form a world "oh I forgot that you have been with thousands of men before Damien, I just pity him because he did not get to deflower you, so sad. Since you can not answer that question then you would answer this one, how many guys have seen your naked form?" Debbi asked and an evil smirk graced her face