Readers are leaders

"Girls! Good morning" Lilian greeted as she walked up to Debbi "good morning mom" Debbi greeted and her mother pecked her forehead

"Come sit, breakfast is ready" Lilian announced and everyone occupied a seat in the dining, Steph sat beside Debbi opposite Franklin who was staring at her, if eyes were lasers, it would have bored a hole in her

"There is green tea, Lipton tea, and coffee make yourself comfortable with any of it" Lilian stated causing everyone at the dining to nod their head in approval

"Need some Lipton tea?" Debbi asked Steph while pouring the quantity she needed into her glass cup "yes, I would prefer Lipton tea to green tea or coffee" Steph replied

The entire family ate in silence, using their eyes to communicate. "My dear, what is your name?" Lilian broke the silence "I am called Stephanie" she replied "I call her Steph" Debbi chipped in

"How did you become my daughter's friend, because the Debbi I know hardly makes new friends," Lilian asked

Steph looked at Debbi for help, she could not possibly tell Lilian that Debbi and Damien had a misunderstanding and she (Steph) supported her during her hard times and that was how they became friends

"We were put in the same team so we had to work together and that is how we became friends" Debbi came to her rescue, and Steph was relieved that Debbi could come up with a lie, she was not good at lying at all.

"I see, so Steph who are your parents?" Lilian asked, "mom is this sort of an interrogation or something?" Debbi asked and her mother flew dagger eyes toward her

"My parents are Dr White and Mrs white" Steph replied "your dad is a doctor, sounds interesting. What is your ambition? What is the goal that you want to achieve?"

"I love reading and writing and my goal is to create this awareness that readers are leaders and no matter the age, writing is a career. Writing as a career has been underestimated and underrated, they think that it does not pay well and it is a side job but I want to correct that impression, as long as you love what you are doing, it makes you happy and does not harm you, keep doing" Steph explained causing Trevor to clap

"Now I get why you became Debbi's friend, you both have an obsession for books" Lilian nodded her head

"I am happy you guys have a great goal, wish you all the success in life," Lilian told her "thank you ma'am" Steph appreciated

"Where were you both yesterday?" Lilian asked, Steph and Debbi glanced at each other before turning to face Lilian "table manners please, mom you of all people should know that we do not talk while eating" Debbi stated, Steph held her lips tight so she would not burst into laughter

"I know the table manners, Debbi, you had been talking since, why is it that when I asked about your whereabouts yesterday you suddenly remembered table manners?" Lilian asked

"Do not talk while eating except if you want to choke on your food" Debbi added "I know you want to avoid the question that is why you are teaching me about table manners" Lilian added irritated at her daughter's action

"I am full, thanks mom for breakfast, thanks bro" Debbi appreciated before leaving the dining but not without Steph

"Your mom is one kind woman," Steph said closing the door behind her "yea she is but she likes questioning people" Debbi started collapsing on the bed

"Why do I feel like your brothers always stare at me?" Steph asked, sitting on the bed "my brothers! They are playboys, do not take them to heart okay?" Debbi asked "they are always like that" she added

"About yesterday?" Debbi asked, "what about yesterday?" Steph asked back "I do not remember a thing," Debbi said

"What was the last thing you remembered?" Steph asked "umm, I remembered talking to Damien, he was yelling at me for what happened to Aimee and me taking alcohol at the bar stand, that is all" Debbi said

"We left the party but since it was late, there was no taxi so we had to trek but it came to some point you started complaining about your heels and you sat on the ground and said you were not trekking anymore, even after I pleaded with you, you were still adamant on moving, finally I found a taxi driver who took us home, you slept in the car and the driver helped to carry you in" Steph narrated

Debbi facepalmed, oh goodness! Did she do all that? She could not believe it, how could it be? The calm and easy-going Debbi did all that? She just could not believe what Steph had narrated

"There is nothing to be shy of, besides it was from the effects of alcohol but there is one I love and that was the question you asked Aimee, gosh! I was on cloud nine when you asked her that question" Steph let out a soft chuckle

"Yea, I am unapologetic about it, she asked for it," Debbi said laughing as well "you need to see her face, I regretted not capturing it on my phone and using it to do a shocked emoji" Steph laughed

"You should have, at least we could have posted it on social media and made some caricature of her" Debbi's lungs were already hurting from her laughter

"I have to go now, I can not afford to keep my mom waiting, see you on graduation day" Steph gathered her things

"Bye, have some lovely time before graduation" Debbi hugged her and escorted her, they were engulfed in a warm hug which lasted for long as none of them wanted to break away from the hug. Finally, they broke the hug and they waved at each other before Debbi turned to leave

The graduation party was also going to be one big party! Wait for it!