Stunned Dumb

Previously, at Lisa's home...


Lisa checked the post tagging her account 'Curseword'.

"33.6 million likes!!? No way!", she pleasantly exclaimed.

She clamped her fingers over her mouth.

"See? This is why I keep saying you should share your talent to the world. You're a superstar Lisa, and apparently, I'm not the only one who thinks so.", Ruby re-emphasized before jumping up to dance to imaginary music.

"C'mon Lisa! Woo!!"

She pulled Lisa off the bed. Both girls jumped up and down on the bed in celebration.




The doorbell sounded again.

"Oh! Another visitor... Busy day today. I wonder who it is this time.", Mrs Hatton murmured, heading to the front door. She was now fully dressed and ready for work.

Mrs Hatton ran a massive bakery well renowned in Z State. She was a hardworking businesswoman who had managed to establish a stable business even after her husband's death and the crash of their multi-billion dollar company. It was tough in the beginning, but now business was booming and her bakery had several franchises all over Z state.

With the Red-haired Mrs Hatton still looking incredibly gorgeous at 48, it was obvious that Lisa's beauty came from her.

She catwalked in her classy deep blue dress and beautiful smile, up to the front door...

At the door, a tall, handsome, blond-haired and piercing blue-eyed Mr Vincent greeted her with a respectful bow and a charming smile.

"Good morning Mrs Hatton.", he greeted. Behind him a whole team of escorts, protocol and bodyguards clad in suits and dark glasses stood in line, perfectly still.

Mrs Hatton was intimidated. Her first thought was 'Sh*t! What sort of trouble am I in now?!'

"W- What...Whatever it is, we didn't do it.", Mrs Hatton defended instinctively with her palms raised in surrender as if she was being rounded up by the cops.

Mr Vincent almost burst out laughing.

'What sort of family is this?', he thought, completely amused.

"Uhh... No, Mrs Hatton, We're not here to arrest you. We're here to see 'Curseword'.", he explained.

'Curseword... We have to do something about that name...', He thought, seriously considering a name change for Lisa.

"Curseword?... Ah! Lisa! ...I told her that was a horrible profile name... Ha-ha... Please, come in."

Mrs Hatton ushered the guests in with nervous laughter.

Mr Vince came into the quaint, beautifully decorated house with Secretary Jae and a few of the bodyguards. He immediately loved the warm atmosphere in the room.

"Welcome Mr Vincent. It's an honour to have you here... he-he... I'm a big fan. I see you on television from time to time... Please take a seat.", she gestured towards the comfy living room couch.

"Thank you Mrs Hatton. I'm honoured.", he replied, taking a seat.

He observed the room.

'Small house, but so pretty, clean and warm. How nice.', he thought, looking at the pretty and classy decor, the family photos and enjoying the lavender scent in the air.

'This Mrs Hatton obviously has exquisite taste and pays attention to detail...', he thought.

"Please wait just a minute. I'll go get Lisa now.", Lisa's mom said, with a polite customer-friendly smile.

"Alright.", Mr Vince nodded his head and returned her polite smile.

'What a charming young man...', thought Mrs Hatton.

She catwalked with grace and elegance up the stairs to call Lisa. The moment she was out of the view of the VIP visitors, she ran to Lisa's room in a mad rush.

She entered the room to find the girls still hoping up and down on the bed like bunnies in spring; one in designer clothes and the other in pink lingerie.

"Lisa. You've got visitors. It's Mr Vincent! Mr Vincent of Platinum Entertainment!", she announced in excited haste.

"What?!", Lisa's eyes popped in shock!

"Mr Vincent? The! Mr! Vincent?!", Ruby was stunned.

"Sh*t! What have those waitresses done now?!", Lisa instinctively replied, thinking the bakery was in some sort of trouble.

"Ha-ha... No, Lisa. They came here for 'Curseword'. For you... And didn't I tell you that was a horrible name?..."

"...For me?...", Lisa mumbled in a daze, trying to process the information.

Mom continued with a tender voice.

"...Now tell me, why are they looking for you? I hope you're not in any sort of trouble?", Mrs Hatton's anxious heart raced. She looked worried.

"No, no, Mrs Hatton. I think it could be because of the post. Lisa's viral on Viewtube!", Ruby informed Mrs Hatton, her excitement steadily increasing.

"What?", Lisa's mom looked puzzled.

"Yes mom. Ruby posted me performing at school on Viewtube. I'm just seeing it now. It's got over 30million likes mom!", Lisa confirmed the unbelievable story.

"What? Really? 30million?!...", Lisa's mom exclaimed.

Then she waved the topic away to focus on the waiting guest.

"I'll hear this story later girls. First, you must go down and meet him. Now Lisa! Quick! There's no time to waste.", Mrs Hatton hurried Lisa.

"Eeeee! Omg! I can't believe this! Go Lisa! Go!", Ruby squealed with stars in her eyes.

"...B-but... I haven't even taken a bath... I look like a train wreck...", Lisa mumbled in confusion, wondering where to start from.

Mrs Hatton hurriedly pulled Lisa off the bed.

"No time! You know how busy these rich CEOs are. We can't keep him waiting. I already spent enough time looking graceful. Hehe... Just wash your face and brush your teeth.", she said, rushing Lisa into the bathroom.

She battled Lisa's messy hair as she brushed her teeth, whilst Ruby sorted through Lisa's clothes in a mad rush.

"I think I found something easy!", Ruby's muffled voice came from the wardrobe. She pulled out a pretty lilac off-shoulder sun-dress.

Lisa was in it in a flash and running to the living room with her hair in a pretty ponytail; looking like a miracle.

She stopped running when she reached the top of the stairs. Then she came down, catwalking gracefully like a princess at a ball, with an enchanting smile.

Lisa's un-bathed beauty immediately struck her visitors. They blushed from the refreshing sight. The transformation was remarkable.

'How beautiful! She certainly has the look. Perfect.', Mr Vince thought to himself, pleased.

Lisa took a seat at a safe distance.

'Jeez... I hope no one detects my smell from here...', she thought, anxious beneath her perfectly gorgeous surface.

'...Thank goodness we got lavender scented candles. They should block the stink... Thank you mom!', she sighed within with gratitude.

Mr. Vince spoke.

"Miss Lisa Hatton,... or 'Curseword' if I may, I am Mr Vincent, CEO of Platinum Entertainment. You look stunning Miss. Pleased to meet you.

"The pleasure is mine." Lisa nodded politely from her seat, a few feet away, not daring to come any closer.

Mrs Hatton went round the room distributing tea and delicious snacks to everyone. She wouldn't miss a single opportunity to advertise her business.

Mr Vincent continued.

"I apologise for this abrupt visit. We've been trying to reach you all through the weekend, unsuccessfully. So we decided to visit as this is sensitive information which must be delivered to you personally.

As you would imagine, I'm here because I saw your video, and I must say, you are incredibly talented miss.", he complimented her.

"Thank you.", Lisa replied with a smile.

Lisa's mom sat in the corner, glowing with pride.

Mr Vince smiled warmly.

"Platinum Entertainment wishes to sign you under our label. As you know, we are currently the 3rd highest ranked entertainment company in the world, and we are closely associated with the Hughes Group, the No. 1 Entertainment company. We have every resource necessary to explore the height of your genius talent and enable you achieve your highest potential in the entertainment industry...

Please look over this artist contract and consider joining our company. I hope you do accept the offer...", he urged Lisa.

Secretary Jae presented the contract to Lisa.

Lisa sat still, staring at the papers, overwhelmed.

'I can't believe this! Is this some sort of dream or what?', she thought in a daze, forgetting to respond to Mr Vince or even take the presented contract from Secretary Jae.

The awkward moment drew on for too long.


Mr Vince cut in.

"Umm well, that is the standart contract of Platinum Entertainment, but seeing as you are unwilling to take it, I sense that you probably have been approached by some other competing firm. We are willing to double your offer. Platinum will not take no for an answer."

Lisa's ears twitched.

'Double?! The first offer would by far outclass James' offer from Star Entertainment, and now he wants to double it?', she thought, her brain going wild.

Lisa found herself more overwhelmed and dumbfounded. Her emotions were all too strong to express. She wanted to scream, to cry, to laugh, to celebrate, but she was just frozen stiff. Overwhelmed.

Mr Vincent frowned at what he thought was a blatant disinterest and rejection of his offer.

"Fine. I'll tripple it! In that case, you will be one of our highest paid artists.", he declared.



********** TKE Q&A **********

Surrealish: Welcome back to T! K! E?

Crowd: Q&A!!! Wooo!!! (Applause)

Surrealish: And now, Let's reveal the answer to our last question! :

'What was Lisa's first reaction to Platinum Entertainment's offer?'

Vince: What kind of trick question is this? The answer wasn't even in the options!

Secretary Jae: No, technically, the answer was c)Reject the offer.

Ruby: I think the right answer should be 'Stunned dumb!' Ha-ha! You're a funny girl Lisa, you know that?

Crowd : (Laughter) (Applause)

Lisa: ... (So frozen she literally turned into a block of ice.)

Mrs Hatton: She's still frozen from shock... (sigh) I'll go defrost her. (Drives a forklift into the center of the studio and uses it to lift Lisa out!)

Crowd: (gasps)...

Vince: Who writes these questions anyway? Someone should be sued for tricking us like that!...

Surrealish: Ahem, that's it for our show tonight. Stay tuned for more on,

Crowd: TKE Q&A! Wooo!!!
