Sweet Dreams



Lisa thought about her moments with Theo;

about the broom closet;

about his bodyguard-ing;

about the dating act he helped her with at the restaurant;

about all the times he had protected her and stepped up for her against James;

and then the time at the meadows...

She smiled.

"Hmm...To be honest, I actually enjoy our moments together... And that time at the meadows was just incredible...", she admitted.

She remembered the brief moment on the bonnet of the mustang when their eyes locked. Her eyes sparkled. Her eyelashes fluttered dreamily like a dove's wings. Her glossy lips parted in a dreamy haze.

"...I really wanted to kiss his lips.", she thought with dreamy eyes.", she whispered.

"Oh My Gosh!!! I do like Theo!!!", she finally realised.





A notification entered Lisa's phone at the same moment of her realisation. She checked the message.

'It's from Theo! Wow. Speak of the devil...', she thought with a warm smile.

Lisa read the message.

"Feel any better?", it said.

'Ahhh... he wants to know how I feel right now. If I were to be truthful...' Lisa turned beet red again.

"Ahhh! I can't tell him that! No way!", she vehemently shook her head and then covered her pretty, flushed face with both hands from embarrassment.

She typed her reply:

"Yeah. Thank you... What are you doing?"

Leonard Hughes in his dark suit, black hair and fully powered deep green eyes on the other end of the line flashed a rare smile.

'She's interested in what I'm doing.', he thought.

He was seated in his palatial living room in all his majestic glory.

Gerrard noticed the smile on Leo's face.

'Well, that's rare. Who could the young master be talking to at such a serious time? His face has been absolutely monstrous this whole time! Especially because of the issue he's currently handling. Why the sudden change in mood?', he thought to himself, surprised.

"Working.", Leonard typed back.

'Working? At this time? It's 11:00 pm!', a huge sweatdrop formed on Lisa's head.

"Ah! It's late. You should get some rest. Don't overwork yourself.", she typed back.

Leo's smile widened a tiny bit when he read that. He felt warmth spread deep inside. A sweet sensation.

'Seems like she cares.', he thought to himself.

"I will in a few minutes.", he typed back.

"You?", he added. He wondered what Lisa would be doing at the time.

"Just getting out of the tub.", she typed back before she got out of the warm water. Her smooth, glossy skin glowed under the warm lighting of the cloudy bathroom.

Leo read the last message Lisa sent. Several hot images of naked Lisa getting out of a tub after a hot bath immediately flashed through his mind.

He exploded into a light blush.

'Wow. I'm usually too decent to even think about... This girl...', he thought, holding it all in.

He typed back a simple "Ok."

Gerrard noticed the blushing young master.

"Ah! Look at that blush! He's definitely talking to Miss Lisa... What are you thinking, young master? We're in the middle of serious business.", Gerard murmured quietly in the background.

"Alright. Gotta catch some sleep. Try to get some too Goodnight. See you tomorrow.", Lisa in a white towel typed back, completely unaware of the commotion she had just caused.

"Goodnight.", Leo texted back.

Then he added 'Sweet dreams."

'Vince said adding stuff like 'sweet dreams' to a simple and plain goodnight would make me sound a thousand times warmer and less robotic.', he thought with a smile, impressed with himself.

Lisa smiled warmly. Her full eyelashes fluttered over her crystal green eyes dreamily as she thought of Theo one last time before bed.

"Sweet dreams.", she replied.



Leonard Hughes dropped his phone and his warmth together with it as he returned to the serious matter he was handling.

Before him, James' parents; Mr Willow of the Willow Group and his wife trembled and wept on their knees.

"B- But young master Hughes, why have you decided to cut all business collaborations and contracts with us all of a sudden? You are our biggest investor. This will cripple our business!", Mr Willow cried.

Gerrard answered the scum.

"I'm sorry, but the Hughes Group has decided to invest in Prime Business instead. You have simply fallen out of favour with us."

The Willows were devastated and confused.

"B-but Prime Business is our biggest rival. You will be completely crushing us. All our clients will move wherever you go, sir. Please have mercy... Or at least let us know what has caused this change of heart and what we can do to fix it.", Mr Willow begged.

"You tampered with my most precious treasure", Leo answered with a deadly glint in his eye.




*********** TKE Q&A ***********


Surrealish: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome back to TKE! Q&A!

It's your host, Surrealish on the live show for 'Tutoring The King of Entertainment (TKE)'

Crowd: Woooo!!!! We love you!!! (Applause!!!)

Surrealish: Thank you! Thank you!

And now unto the question we've all been waiting for answers to:


a) Beat the shii out of him

b) Ignore him

c) Keep the grudge and get back at his entire family.

d) Kill him

And the answer is...

Option c) Keep the grudge and get back at his entire family.

Crowd: Woooo!!!! We love you, Theo!!! (Applause!!!)

Theo: Haha... Thank you. Just don't tell Lisa (wink)

Crowd: (laughter)

Theo: I think I would still like to keep options a) and d) open... Just in case (evil grin)

Crowd: Yaaay!!! Wooooo!!! Yesss!!! Beat and Kill Him!!!

Gerrard: Oh wow! Isn't there something wrong with this crowd?

Surrealish: Hehehe...

Gerrard: Young Master, don't you think this whole secret thing might end up badly?

Vince: Yeah, don't you ever think of that, Thhheeooo? Haha...

Theo: I consider it every day, but there's a simple solution to every problem. If she likes Theo, then I'll just be Theo forever.

Vince: My goodness! (facepalm)

I don't think your brain is working right, brother. (Pats Theo on the back sympathetically)

Crowd: (roaring laughter)

Surrealish: I wonder how this will end. Find out live on,

Crowd: TKE!!! Q&A!!! Woo!! (Applause!)
