The Best


That night, while Leonard Hughes punished the Willow parents...


James and Amy were in a luxurious club, drinking, partying and throwing ridiculous sums of money around in celebration of James' hit new single, 'Dissing Lisa With New Money'!

The vulgar lyrics of the single blasted through the giant speakers of Zero Club.

The club was packed with heated bodies of friends and foes alike.

Intoxicated silhouettes danced and twisted to the tune of the blaring speakers in the dim lighting. In contrast, the sparkling neon lights were blinding. Poll dancers and strippers entertained guests to the best of their capability.

James and Amy, the centre of attention took centre stage on the dance floor, vibing with the energetic crowd.

"Free drinks for everyone!", James declared!

The crowd went wild!

More intoxicating drinks and drugs went around to further fuel the already intense energy of the party.

The expert poll dancers took the entertainment up a notch with stunts that defied the laws of physics.

The energetic crowd grew wilder with each passing second!

At the peak of the wild partying, James made it rain raw cash!

Zero Club shut down!


Sometime around 4am or some other am, (James didn't care anyway. He had long lost track of time.), James and Amy made it to the extravagant presidential suite of the luxurious 7-star Zero hotel.

James had reserved the place for 2months because, in his words, it was simply 'heaven', and he needed a treat after recording that exhausting single.




Dawn came with ecstatic moaning.

The first light of the morning filtered through luxurious curtains to reveal a hot scene. A naked butt proactively dancing between parted glossy legs on a chaotic mess of sheets.

"Aaah aahh James!!", Amy cried as his movements steadily grew more intense.

She grabbed the sheets above her firmly for support.

James paid no attention to her cries. He let her feel the full extent of his need until her mind started to go blank with pleasure.

He grabbed two fists full of her milky and already swollen tits, dealing equal damage to each one as his hardness mercilessly smacked against her pink pearl.

Erotic sounds rose from their intensifying motion, growing louder and more unrestrained with each passing second.

James' fingers found Amy's reddened nipples. He squeezed!

Another mind-numbing sensation shot waves of electricity all through Amy's heated body.

The fingers of her left hand gripped the headboard. Her right hand gripped James' brown hair desperately.

Their glossy bodies moved in sync in the heat of passion.

Amy's pleasant cries seemed to entice James further.

Their energetic actions climaxed with their moans.


James flipped Amy over to deal torture no. 2

Now at her back, he gripped her hair roughly and licked the curve of her spine to alert her to what was coming next.


James entered her again, expertly dealing with her round butt just the way she liked it...

Amy bit her lips, screaming and moaning to the tune of their growing lust...

James' slapped against her bouncy softness, his intensity increasing until even he could no longer reign in his grunts.

He let out a low grunt as he exploded into bliss.

"Aaaah!!!" Amy followed right after him.


The fun couple collapsed weakly to the messy sheets, panting.

Amy breathed heavily. She turned to kiss James.

"Mmmuah... I love you so much, my star, James.", Amy said, kissing him with dreamy eyes.

"I love you too, Lis- Amy.", James caught himself in time.

'Sh** I almost slipped up there!', he thought, breaking a cold sweat.

'Ah! Why do I keep thinking about Lisa? That stupid girl never even let me have her!', he thought, fuming within.

Amy studied James' face.

'...Did he just mention Lisa? Again?!... So even just now, he was imagining Lisa!?...', she had caught him again. A dagger stabbed her heart. Hurt flashed through her eyes but she kept quiet about it.

'Good. She didn't hear me. I better make up for this awkward moment though.', thought James.

"Y- You're the best Amy. The very best. Lisa can never be compared to you. You know that right?", he said, trying to recover from his slip up.

Amy didn't respond. She just turned away from him.

James grabbed her face and turned her back to face him.

"I love you.", he said, not even noticing how hurt she was.

Amy's face fell.

She turned away from him again and curled herself into a sad ball.

'He didn't even notice I'm hurt.', she thought, devastated. However, she shook her sadness off. 'I know he loves me. He just said so again.', she tried to convince herself.

By now, James was already on another topic.

"Mm... About the sponsorship of my new, coming album and tour... Can you remind your father?...", he said behind her.

'He's asking for money again...', Amy thought sadly, but then love is blind apparently.

"Mmm... He just sponsored that modelling shoot, your ad campaigns and new single and now you're trending everywhere. Relax. He sees potential in you. He said he will sponsor the tour once your album is fully recorded.", she answered reasonably.

James was unsatisfied.

'Hmm... these people have lots of money. I'm low on spending money... I have to get some more from them.', he thought.

"Yes, I know that. It's just, after paying a ton of bribe to release my car from the impound, I'm a little low on cash now. I have some needs I must attend to.", he urged Amy further.

She sighed.

"B-but James, I already gave you all my money this month. I just threw that luxurious party for you with the last of it. I have nothing now. You have to wait for my father's sponsorship.", she tried to reason with him.

"I know, and I've already shown my gratitude for that... but... If you ask your father, he will give you some. You know he can't say no to you... I need the money now.", James pushed further. His finger caressed Amy from behind to persuade her.

A small part of Amy's heart could tell James was using her. She tried to resist.

"B-but he said no more money till the album is fully recorded. We've spent so much already. James, I- I..."

James got annoyed.

"...You are not willing to support me. You don't love me.", he gaslit Amy.

"What? No. No, James. I'm just telling you what dad said...", Amy turned back to face James. She put her arms around him.

"...Of course, I love you... You know I do. I'm willing to do anything for you, James. Please don't be upset...", she begged pathetically.

James didn't answer. He tore her hands off him and turned away from her coldly.

Amy's head dropped.

"I- I'll see what I can do. Alright? I'll get you the money tomorrow morning.", she said.


James turned back to her with an affectionate hug and a flood of sweet kisses. "You're the best, Amy.", he said, smirking behind her.





******* TKE Q&A *******


Surrealish: ...Mmmm ...Ahem... This chapter... I er... don't have anything to say... (blushing)

Let's skip to the next chapter shall we? Hehe...

Crowd: (Laughter) Haha! She's blushing!!

Haha!!! Let's talk about the chapter, Surrealish!

Haha! Yeah! We want to hear!

Don't cover your face, author! Haha!!

Yeah! Ask James and Amy how it felt! haha!

Surrealish: Pervs... (beet red with hands covering her face)

Crowd: Yaaay!!! Woooo!!! (Applause)

Ruby: Haha... Mmmm... What I'd like to know is how James and Amy got the boldness to film that scene.

Vince: ... Mmm I think it'll be interesting to film a scene like that, don't you? Ruby? (wink)

Ruby: (facepalm)... Hmmm... I'll do it if Lisa does it first. (smirk) (raises her eyebrows at Lisa).

Crowd: Ooooo!!! Wooo!!! (Laughter) (Applause) (Cheers!!)

Lisa: What?! What are you saying, Ruby?! (beet red)

Theo: It does kinda look like fun... (pulls Lisa closer) Don't you think so, Lisa?

Lisa: (explodes)

Crowd: (Roaring laughter) Yeah!!! Wooo!!! We love you, Lisa!!! (Applause)

Surrealish: (with fire extinguisher) Haha... Ahh... I think we should go now. See you later on,

Crowd: T! K! E! Q&A!!!! Woooo!!! (Applause)

