Mannerless Maid

As i was doing my other chores on the second floor i saw two servant pushing each other " You go today's your turn " servant 1 " No its you ". i was thinking why they were pushing each other like that then i saw the food cared " Oh i get it now, it must be for prince Alex , not to wander they look like scared cats " i thought and just as i was about to go one of the servant called me " You ! you are must be the new ladymaid " said the servant " oh yes i am what can i do " i said as i was getting nervous " Hey i don't think thats good its a lady " said the other servant on the servant ears, the servant 1 just smiled "take this food cared to the prince i know prince isn't there now " said the servant 1 " Oh then why not give it yourself " i said in a whispering voice " hey what did you say ".

"Oh no no nothing I'll go and keep this on the prince room " i said " Good now keep going " As he said this they when away i don't have any choice but to go to the prince champer , and who would like to let the spoil here anyway.

So i reach the chamber and knock on the door. I didn't got any response i thought prince must be sleeping so i knock it abit hard then it suddenly open because of my hard knocking " forgiveness i didn't mean to enter the champer without permission but seem like the doors open so I'll get inside " i said as i open the door and when inside but there was no one so i put the food cared on the side and thought to clean the room abit as it seems like on one have ever come here to clean it. Just as i came close to the table near the window i heard foot steps getting closer to the prince chamber.

I got scared thinking that it must be the prince i hide on the corner of the book shelfs it was dark on the corner so i thought no one will be able to see me. As i hide the door suddenly open " why did you follow me here " it was the prince voice " i was just trying to.. " the king Andreas said " what's the king doing here " i thought.

" Trying to what ! don't treat me like i am younger then you or anything" said the prince with angry " No its an important meeting for you to join in " said the king " I know but i don't wanna meet the princess now i still don't want to " said prince Alex.

" yes i get it brother I'll tell them about this " said the king as he turn around and left. It was a silent, i wasn't feeling comfortable on the position i was in so as i was trying to sit carefully i moved to shelf which took the attention of the prince "who's there came out now !!" as i heard the prince i got up from my hiding place and stood up in front of the prince "Oh its you i was thinking to call you anyway what brings you here anyway " he said as smirk at me " Haha i have bring the prince Lunch " i said

" Lunch? i don't want any of thoes the chief couldn't cook according to my taste anyway take it back " he said as he waves his hand on the air, me who is a maid who haven't eat Lunch now hearding this i couldn't stop myself but " If the prince don't want to eat it I'll eat it " i said with stupidity he was staring at me and confused it was a long silence before i realize what i have said , because no one was allowed to eat the Royal's food in front of them or even asking for food from their plate its said to be a sign of disrespect and the punishment is only DEAD.

" You know what happened if you ask or eat the Royal's food do you " said the prince, i looking around and saw a sharp knife on the table behind, i guess it was made for this day i pick it up and gave it to the prince."Prince ALEX i know what i did just now is so really wrong i have just realize it and i even know shouting in the palace is a bad manner to i ask you to kill me with no pain" i said as i was almost on tears.

Then suddenly the prince just laugh out loud " haha are you willing to give your life just because your hungry how can a woman can be this shameless and ask the scariest person like me this " said the prince as he wasn't able to hold his laughter , for some reason i felt as if he was really happy now and i don't want to say anything or do to disturb this happiness so just laugh with just a little sound.

" As you want to eat the Lunch you can have it i wouldn't mind but don't you dare tell anyone i told you eat my lunch " said the prince " yes i wouldn't tell anyone " as i took a bite of the juicy meat " but in one condition " said the prince, i almost choke on the food as i was about to throw out the food " No No chew it nicely throwing food is really a bad manner " said prince and i swallow the food " Wha.. what is the condition".