The reason to hate women

The sword of darkness i, Alex was the first son of the king we were really a happy family until i was five years old my mom the queen got seriously ill even physicians and the magic healers couldn't heal her. Then we lose her my father the king was depressed after the queen passed away but after an year my father decided to merry again, he was very happy and i agree too because its the first time he was really happy after the Queen's dead.

My step mom was really nice to me and treated like her child until my little brother was born. My step mom behavior towards me change. Its like as if i am a bergen to her. I always try everything to make her just a little proud of me even a little but nothing seems to satisfies her but only my brother. She will always talk to father about how immature i am and that i am not fit to become a king but on the other hand she praise my brother and say that he would fit for the Thorn.

They started to distance me from them i was always alone on my room with nothing thats how i started to hate women they can lie and no one will say anything and believe them, they don't care about others they only care about themselves. The only person who was there was my little brother but i never get along with him because i was jealous of him. He have everything he needs and here i am who have nothing. After my brother turn 20 and i was 25 our parents when out on the water to sail to the other Continent for a meeting ,they went but never came back.

Now i have lost my father and my step mother but to be honest i wasn't sad at all because they never really cared about me and enjoy thier own world. I guess thats why i am not feeling anything even after losing them.

after a week or a month thier ceremony it was time to read the kings will and to give the throne to me or so i thought. We read the will and to the shock my Father will was to give the throne to my little brother i was shock i know they never really care about me but how can they give the throne to my little brother.

As it was the will of the king and no one can change it even knowing i was the first born child. It was all because of that woman she only cared about her son and don't care about anyone else not even me womans only care about themselves. So i spread the rumors about how much i hate women but those rumors are fake that i even kill women that must be made by the people.

( in the present )

"what am i ganna do what am i ganna do he look so angry i wish i could disappear now the one thing i could do now is to escape from here and later on I'll make spaical cake for prince " i said to myself as i was about to run hand came to me and tap my shoulder " do you think i didn't saw you my eye sign isn't bad you know i can even see you if you turn into an ant " said prince Alex as he give me an evil smile " why me god..