Chapter 48: When all hope was gone and then boom!

Chapter 48: When all hope was gone and then boom!

Owen's POV 

"I should have seen it. Why didn't I see it? You know what this means, Owen…it means I have been holding the love of my life hostage for twenty four years and every kiss…every touch…every comfort I took was against her will" he turned to look at me, tears running down his cheeks.

He wasn't even trying to hide it anymore

"it means the twenty four years was a lie. That every stolen kiss, every little smile, every little touch... everything about me was something she had to endure. Was the most beautiful years of my life hell on earth for her? Was she disgusted with everything? Was it why she was so strict on public display of affection... because she couldn't hide her disgust so well in public. D-did I t-take things she didn't want to give?" 

"No! I know you enough to know that if Mom said no to you that you wouldn't force her!"