Chapter 165: Orange plantation 

Chapter 165: Orange plantation 

Sunny's POV

We took a walk down the orange plantation. It was a new therapeutic project, the count of Monte-snow started four years ago which I thought was a waste of money but turns out it was a beautiful outdoor garden for the children to escape their reality when needed.

It was a good place to take a deep breath.

I watched the man walking beside me and I felt this intense sadness like a wet blanket and it covered me and filled me up.

I think it was my brain's way of warning me that there was fire on the mountain except this mountain was fire free and dazzling with smiles as we walked through the beautiful garden but I knew something was wrong, he's been in the orphanage for two days and all he has done so far was kiss me lightly on the lips and watch me talk.

"Hey, are you alright?" His question started me but I recovered quickly.