Chapter 167: Leave Sunny out of our madness 

Chapter 167: Leave Sunny out of our madness 

Emily's POV 

I blinked. Waylen's arms were wrapped around me. It felt warm and gentle. Honestly it felt good. I looked around the room hoping to see familiar things as opposed to this…this strange occurrence of waking up in my husband's arms.

It was strange because I thought he was in Africa with his girlfriend. My mind wandered to the fact that Waylen and Sunny were together over the weekend and now the same hands he used to comfort and make love to his mistress were currently encircling me and made me want to throw up…at least it was better than the urge to punch his beautiful face.

I tried to steady my thoughts but I had questions.

How did he get in here anyway? 

He was always respectful of my personal space and so, I did more investigation and found out the room was vaguely familiar a andit had a scent I really liked…it was his room.

Come on, Emily!

You are breaking the rules here.