Emily and Waylen

Owen's pov

I stood in front of the palace's gate.

I just stood there without doing much else. This decision to speak to Emily and Waylen was an impulsive one, it was made in the heat of the moment.

It was impulsive but it was the only path I could take to resolve this gigantic conflict inside of me.

It was my only choice yet I was hesitant.

I simply stood there until the armed security officers and secret service decided I was a threat.

I saw them approaching me, armed to the teeth and they looked about ready to blast me with their bullets, it made me feel inclined to speak to them.

"Hello. My name is Owen White. I am here to see the crown prince and his…Emily" I shook my head like it was supposed to take away the cloudiness that enveloped me instantly.

It took a while but I realized it was a close relative of embarrassment and a little bit of shame.