Apology and Update

Hey everyone, sorry for my silence. Life hasn't been kind to me, I haven't forgotten about this story. Two of family members have passed away and I have been mourning them. I have had to try and clear my mind since I grew up with these cousins. So from the time that I posted the Voting Polls to now I have not been right in the head. To those waiting for the next chapter, do not worry I plan to finish the chapter later on today for me. At the moment, I am right in the head.

That said, please don't try to rush me. I understand if you are enjoying it and wish for more. But please remember that I have a life outside of Webnovel that I have to prioritize sometimes. I am not asking you to leave me alone just because I may get annoyed. I am saying that please don't do it too much. Once again, I will be posting the next chapter today and will hopefully be back on track for making more.

Now I'd like to tell you what I have planned as for this story. The Avengers team will not be formed immediately, it will slowly come together overtime. So at some point before the end of Season One for Young Justice, the Avengers will be formed and spark a new age of heroes. With that out of the way, I will answer one question that no one has never asked about Donald Blake. The question is this, "Why does Donald have more control over his powers as Thor?" That question will answered as well as another question that I have been asked. "Will Blake remain as Thor?". See now I am surprised that nobody asked a more important question. "Who is Donald Blake's father?" I'll let that question sink in for you, then answer it in a later chapter.

I hope that you all understand that sometimes I have to walk away from Webnovel for more important personal and important matters. Until then, stay tuned, the next chapter will be coming not too long after this Announcement.