
??? POV

How dare he? How dare he? How dare he? HOW DARE HE?! This… this… nobody! How DARE he bully my b-b-beloved! Who does he think he is?! My beloved is the embodiment of everything good in this world and this piece of scum dare sully him? Unforgivable. Truly unforgivable. Knowing all the rodents out there just like this scum, it's my duty as darling's wife to act as his shield and sword, protecting him from these pieces of trash from the shadows!

After I'm done with him… oh how he'll wish he'd be dead! Just imagining it puts a smile on my lips! I can't wait! After I'm done dealing with him, I can watch over darling as he sleeps and do this and that and kyaaa! But first, this scum. I've followed him to an abandoned classroom where he was flirting with a gyaru from the same delinquent group as him, bragging to her about how he beat up some "loser" and "asserted dominance" on him. The gyaru looked up to him, expressing her admiration to the delinquent and his manliness. Disgusting. These putrid humans, thinking they are the greatest just by bullying the weak. Utterly revolting.

Upon seeing them start to make out, I scanned the surroundings, and upon sensing that no one else was around, I knew it was time. Time to feast! My facade of an average girl with black hair tied into pig tails, an unremarkable face and glasses, a typical "nerd" rapidly melted, giving way into a pool of blue slime. I slithered my way up the classroom wall, unnoticed by the pair, and once above them, I stuck to the ceiling, much like a piece of gum under a desk. And waited.

Until, the opportunity presented itself. I split a portion of myself into small droplets, much like rain water, and dripped down from the ceiling, and right into the girl's mouth. Her eyes widened, her body obviously reacting to the foreign substance that was me. Her instincts screamed at her, telling her to cry out, to expel whatever she just swallowed But, just like many times before, it was already too late.

"Is there something wrong, Mia?" The delinquent (read: trash) asked, stroking my face.

"N-no. Uhh… Mike. I just zoned out for a second there. Tee-hee!" I replied, sticking my tongue out and making a peace sign. Disgusting. This pig dares touch my face and fix his gross lust-filled eyes on me?! Only Darling can do that!

"Hey, Mike? I'm feeling a little hot… Why don't we go to my place so we can cool off a little…" I said, pulling the collar of my newly-acquired form-fitting sweater, revealing the huge melons that underneath, threatening to break free from its' constraints, my voice laced with not-so-hidden intentions.

He gulped, before grinning pervertedly, and replied:

"A gentleman should always make their girl as comfortable as possible. Let's hurry back to your place, so you can cool off!"

Mike grabbed my hand, rushing to his car and driving to my place, like he had so many times before. Upon arriving, he impatiently grabbed the house key from my hand, unlocking the door and once inside, slamming the door shut. He smirked:

"Let's take off some of your clothes to help you 'cool off' shall we?"

I smiled flirtatiously, teasing him by slowly taking off my silky black stockings, and then even slower, my sweater, revealing the smooth, tan skin underneath, and the black-lace barrier that held back two huge melons, jiggling slightly. Seeing this, his grin grew wider, and quickly stripped his pants, tossing them to the side before pouncing on me, pinning me to a nearby wall. Every time I do this, even knowing that it's not my body, and even knowing they will never get to take any of my "first times", I still get irritated. Only Darling can look at me that way. NO ONE ELSE.

Yet, as a slime, considered the bottom in terms of the monster hierarchy, I had no choice. My Magic and Strength were far below other monsters, so I had no choice but to rely on dirty tricks such as this to assassinate others. That's how I got a reputation in the International Underworld as the deadliest assassin for hire. Ever since "that" incident, I decided that I would purge the world of evil, not because I'm a "hero", but because it's all to protect Darling~!

I hugged him, pressing the two melons into Mike's chest, that squished slightly against him, undoubtedly causing his little brother to start rising. Suddenly, his eyes widened, realizing that he was starting to literally sink into my body. He struggled, his hands flailing, his mouth making desperate attempts to gasp for air or to yell for help, but it was for naught, as his cries were muffled, submerged by my slime. Slowly but surely, his entire body and being was assimilated, until it was quiet again, and it was as if Mike, Mr. Manly Man, never existed. I grinned maniacally, chuckling at first, until breaking into an uncontrollable laugh. THE PIECE OF TRASH THAT HURT DARLING IS NO MORE!

If only Darling could know what I do for him, he would surely take me into his arms and hug me and give me head pats until I melt from pleasure~. Sigh, but, I can't corrupt Darling's pure mind like that. After all, such a kind, compassionate, and caring soul like Sky's must be protected~. But, it wasn't all bad. I gained a new form in the shape of Mia that I can transform into and potentially get closer to Darling.

With such huge melons and a cute face, on top of that, it seems that this girl was quite well off, I'm sure with a little bit of work, we'll be boyfriend-girlfriend in no time at all~! Then, we could hug, kiss… and maybe… maybe… maybe even hold hands! I felt my cheeks turn hot, undoubtedly flushed a deep red. Hahh~ I miss Sky, I haven't seen him in a whole 7 hours 14 minutes and 41 seconds! I need to recharge on some Sky-anium!

And with that, I took Michael's, no, Michel, no, you know what who cares! I took piece-of-trash's car and drove to my hideout deep in the woods, sitting down right in front of twenty or so monitors that constantly recorded every room in Darling's house, and a few that displayed what he was doing on his phone. Taped all around were various pictures of my Darling, from when he was a cute boy to now, I had them all~.

Seeing Darling still moping around, undoubtedly sad that he couldn't acquire a limited-edition Melon Bread, by that stupid idol Rose, my heart wrenched. I wanted to hug him, and tell him to forget about that dumb idol, and then, I would snuggle with him all day long!

Unfortunately, I have to make an executive decision to ignore that. I promise to ask for Darling's forgiveness in the future for being selfish, but I have to! For the sake of our future together! Right now, I'm still a nobody to Darling, he doesn't even know who I, "Mia Dawn", am, so it's time execute my super-secret plan, code name: Seduce Darling!