The Origin Part 1

Intermission~ Mia POV

I woke up in that piece of trash's girlfriend's apartment, oh wait! Wait! MY apartment. That's right! I'm Mia Dawn, 17 years old, single (again), and a cheerful, easy-going student! And now, I'm sooooo in love with Sky Aslan, and soon, he will be in love with me too! I smiled at the thought, putting a hand to my noticeably crimson-red cheek, and fidgeting while imagining my soon-to-be real future with Sky~.

I got up from my bed, picked up my phone, and opened the Messages App, where I saw my worried friends, asking me if I was alright after not seeing me all afternoon. What good friends I have, right~?. I quickly texted them back, reassuring them that I was fine, but then broke them the terribly sad news. Last night, after noticing Mike after school, I followed him and saw him flirting with another girl! I was sooo heartbroken~, and broke up with him immediately.

My friend group immediately expressed their outrage and support for me and after typing a quick parting message of "See you at school~!" I put my phone down and went to the bathroom, my hips swaying slightly. Upon looking at my naked figure in the bathroom mirror, I frowned slightly.

This body wouldn't match Darling's tastes. After years of in-depth stalk-ahem, research, I've formulated the perfect personality type and body shape that Darling would be most attracted to: a friendly, easy-going, and cheerful person who also likes to tease others, but is also strong and independent and could stand up for him, after all, my Darling is such a kind and warm-hearted man that he probably wouldn't hurt a fly.

And that's why I love him so much~. And as for body shape? I guess you could say he likes them on the… slightly bigger side. We're talking a voluptuous pair of firm, supple melons, that couldn't even be fully cupped with someone's hand, a perky, curvy rear, and hips that would sway with each step.

This body just wouldn't do! I closed my eyes, imagining the ideal body that would suit all of Darling's tastes. I felt my breasts start to push against the lingerie that held it back, until it eventually snapped, releasing the newly formed bigger melons from its confines. Then, my rear expanded, growing firmer, then finally my hips. Nothing out of the ordinary~. Finally, I even modified the body's vocal cords to a higher, softer pitch, and after testing it a few times, I reached perfection; not to brag, but it sounded melodious, and could even rival most singers and idols.

So, I just had to practice of course! I looked at my reflection, my eyes half-closed, one hand resting on my plump thigh and the other propping up my now-significant chest, and said coquettishly while batting my eyelashes seductively: "Darling~". Perfect!

I pulled out my phone, adorned with cute little gems and animal stickers, and my eyes widened: I was going to be late for school! I quickly threw on a crop-top and a pair of black leggings that emphasized my assets. Today was going to be a good day~!

Upon catching up to the mass of students walking towards the school building, I caught sight of the love of my life: Sky! I squealed inwardly, knowing that with my newly-acquired form, I could finally interact with him for the first time since we were children and he saved me~. Ahh, his small yet broad back that seemed to be able to shield me against all harm, that conveyed a sense of warmth, a sense of security that I'd never felt before…

You know, I was not always like this, being arguably the Underworld's Strongest Assassin. I was once a weak slime, doomed to be fodder for other monsters or humans to gain experience. Slimes inherently are born with low amounts of magic and strength, and no matter how hard a slime tries, they would reach their limit extremely quickly.

One day, I was out in Yokai Forest, having stumbled upon the corpse of a little girl, probably freshly dead, I used the only ability of a slime called Assimilate quickly, as there was only a certain period of time after death that it could be used. I was thrilled! I finally was able to take on a humanoid shape, something that most slimes wouldn't even dare dream of doing, and I would finally be able to explore the world at large out there without being hunted down by humans and even being able to seek protection against monsters with them.

However, that joy didn't last long, as after walking along the path that led out of the forest, I was ambushed by 3 men. Slavers. Even in the modern age, there would still be degenerates that seek a quick profit, and what better way than to catch unsuspecting children and sell them to rich men to be their play toys? I cried out, yet the form I had taken on was frail even in life, and could barely muster anything more than weak cries, on top of being in the middle of a dense forest that locals steered well clear of, it seemed all was lost.

As the men approached slowly, encircling me while licking their lips disgustingly with eyes full of not-so-pure intentions, I closed my eyes, preparing for the worst. That was when, my ray of sunshine, the reason for my existence, my other half, my husband, my betrothed, MY BELOVED, Sky stumbled upon the scene.

I saw him from the corner of my eye, and I still remember what I did next would haunt me for the rest of my life. I stuttered "Sirs, t-there i-is a boy r-right behind you! W-why bother w-with a-a frail girl like me, when you can h-have a health boy like h-him?!" That's right. I tried to sacrifice Sky, MY SKY just for a chance to escape. How could I be so heartless, so selfish to such a kind, compassionate person?!

"You! Watch the girl! Make sure that her contribution to our pay wages today be rewarded… that is… by breaking her last! Duke Edwards never said he wouldn't accept slightly damaged product. Kukukuku…" My eyes widened in fear, tears running down my face, as I curled into a fetal position, praying that it was just a dream. It wasn't.