A New Dawn

Lunch break finally ended, with Sky feeling almost a sense of loneliness when he saw Mia's departing back, hips swaying slightly with each step. It felt like they had been friends since childhood! They did manage to exchange phone numbers though, and Sky was grinning like a fool, thinking how great it was that he could be friends with someone like Mia who seemed to just share so many similarities with him. But if he saw Mia's face then, what he would've been met with was a manic smile that stretched unnaturally adorning her lips. All she could think about was 'Darling's phone number~.'

As Sky returned to class, he just seemed to not be able to focus on what was being said by the teacher. All he could think about was Mia, Mia, and Mia, and the what-ifs revolving her. He sighed. If only he was born with better looks like Tony, then… just maybe… he would have a shot. But besides! At least they were friends, right?

He was so immersed in his daydreams that he failed to realize that he was being glared at, by two pairs of eyes, one an icy blue, and the other a… light pink?!

'Hmph! That bastard, playing around with other woman, disgusting! Luckily I rejected his advances when were children, who would want to be married to a womanizer like him?! Maybe I should warn that woman he's went out with to back of- I-I mean to warn her of his playboy actions!"

Skadi thought in her mind, for some reason angry at the thought of Sky hanging around another girl. She was furious even! How DARE he even interact with other girls?! 'I-It's not like I even care about our dumb childhood promise a-anyway!' And with that, she convinced herself that she truly didn't care, and turned away with a light 'Hmph' while pouting and pretending to pay attention to class.

Bzzt! Sky's phone suddenly buzzed, shocking him out of his daydreams. He whipped out his phone hiding it beneath his desk while sneakily taking a look: Mia had texted him!

"Hello~! Are you free this afternoon >.

The remaining time in school felt extremely slow, with Sky repeatedly glancing at the clock that seemed to move slower just to spite him. The bell finally rang, and Sky dashed for the door, bumping into people be damned! He had places to be! He finally reached the front of the school, where he saw her. Amidst the crowds of students walking home, she was there, leaning against the wall, looking up at the sky slightly, a slight smile on her lips. She truly looked like an angel descended from heaven.

And Sky wasn't the only one who noticed either. (Duh.) Other boys were freely ogling Mia, believing that they were stealthy just by taking side glances at her heavenly assets. Their eyes, filled with unconcealable lust, almost as if they wished their gaze could become their hands and roam around her body freely. There was excited whispering amongst them, talking about how they had to change the "Beauty Rankings" of the school, and even more whispers inquiring who she was. Their gazes didn't go unnoticed by Mia however, even though she pretended like she didn't notice.

'Keep calm Mia. Keep calm! Darling is going to come any second now~! I can't have Darling see such inelegant behavior after all~. But these disgusting… pigs! They leer at me thinking they are sneaky, yet their eyes feel like someone constantly poking you with their finger; it's impossible to ignore, much less go unnoticed! Only Darling can look at me that way! Sigh… If only Darling WOULD look at me that way…' She inwardly monologued, before noticing that Sky was getting increasingly near. She smiled beautifully, her eyes radiating her heartfelt joy from being around her beloved.

"Oh hey Sky~! You ready to go?"

"Y-yeah! Let's go!" Sky replied, caught off guard by that blindingly bright smile.

"So~! You have any friends besides me~? You seem like quite the loner in class ~" She grinned mischievously, eyes curling up into crescents, as they stopped to sit at a nearby bench in the park, admiring the view.

As much as Sky wanted to retort, he couldn't. It was the truth. He had no friends. Besides some mysterious person that he played games with, only known by their username, "Weaver_of_Fate", there wasn't really anyone else. Well, except for Skadi Everwinter, his ex-childhood friend. That's right, they used to be friends, they could even be called best friends. They would do anything and everything together. However, one day, she suddenly became extremely cold to him.

She refused to talk to him. She refused to play with him. She refused to even interact with him. Sky, lost and hurt, confused as to what he did that earned her ire, tried to apologize to her only to be slapped and looked down on with cold eyes: "Never talk to me again. Consider this your final warning."

He didn't realize that even just reminiscing about his past with Skadi made his eyes water, and soon, he felt something wet on his cheek. Tears. He chuckled slightly, looking down while trying to stop the continuous flow of tears that continued to fall.

"A-are you alright?! I was just teasing you!" Mia immediately panicked, showing "surprise" and concern at his sudden reaction.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine", Sky sniffled, "something got in my eye, that's all." Not even a child would be convinced by that excuse, and he knew it too. Luckily, Mia, being the angel she was, decided not to press further, and just softly said, while putting her hand on his shoulder "I'm so sorry Sky. That was really insensitive of me. You seem to have been through a lot… but I just wanted you to know that if you ever need someone to rely on, to talk things through, know that I'll be there for you." Sky, overcome with emotion, only managed a weak "Thanks" before he suddenly felt a soft sensation on his cheek. It was plump, soft, and slightly moist. It was Mia's lips.

Sky's eyes widened, shocked that this angel would kiss a mere mortal like him, and not even a good looking one either! He froze, blankly staring at her closed eyes and fluttering eyelashes, before finally coming to his senses. Mia gazed coquettishly at him, giggling softly, before going silent again. As the sun started to illuminate the sky with a beautiful orange and pink hue, Sky felt as if he was dreaming. Mia liked him! There's no other way to explain it!

As they averted their eyes, looking away from sheer embarrassment, a silence fell over them. But a good kind, a warm kind. And as Sky gazed into the sunset, Sky, for the first time in a long time, felt at peace. Mia, on the other hand, apologized repeatedly in her heart: 'Darling, forgive me again ok~? I know I was wrong to bring up things I know would hurt you~. But, you have to understand! After seeing some harlots notice your true value, I had to make a move~.'

The more she thought about it, the more Mia's eyes dulled. How dare they even THINK of making a move on her Sky? She had to put them in their place!

"So…" Mia began, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Hmmm?" Sky responded, tilting his head a little.

"So… are we a… you know… a … thing… now?" Mia asked, squirming a little, blushing slightly.

"You know Mia, I think that you are probably the most perfect person I have ever met: you are energetic, funny, easy-going, beautiful, attractive, and we even share the same interests and hobbies. To be honest, I could imagine spending the rest of my life with you."

'This is it! Just say it! Just say it!' Mia inwardly exclaimed, eagerly awaiting those next words, those simple words, the "Would you be my girlfriend?"

"But…" Sky continued. Mia's eyes instantly dulled. 'But what?! What is it? What about me does he not like? I'm certain I shaped this body into the epitome of what Darling would consider perfect! Maybe Darling… isn't attracted me? Or worse… does he like someone else?!' Her eyes flashed a dangerous light as she sank deeper and deeper, before:

"I think that our relationship has been moving too fast. I want to be able to get to know you better, to spend happy times and sad times with you. After all, we've only known each other for barely 2 days! So let's take it slow, ok?" Sky laughed a little. Mia looked up, before exhaling slightly in relief, her eyes regaining light. 'Ah! So that's it~! Darling's such a tease~!'

So, after planning out another date, they parted while waving hands at each other. Mia kept on her smiling facade all the way until Sky was out of sight, before her visage immediately turned bloodthirsty. After all, the night had only just begun, and she had to… release some anger… So many insects to squash… That night, with the stars as their witness, many cries rang out, only to go unheard, muffled by the cover of night.