Fracturing Ice

Rubbing his eyes, Sky looked around before realizing that he had somehow passed out at Mia's apartment. His first impression was that the pillows at Mia's house were top-notch for sure, and he would definitely ask her where she bought them. He squeezed it slightly. Strange. Why was it so smooth?

"Mnnh~. Darling~?" Mia yawned cutely, while muttering.

Sky's eyes widened. He was… given the famous lap pillow?! He sat up quickly, before quickly answering. "Y-yes, Mia?"

"Hug~." She said cutely, her arms outstretched. Sky quickly reciprocated, and wrapped his arms around his cute girlfriend.

"Now that I've gotten my fill of Sky-anium, let's get ready for school~! I'll make breakfast!" Mia said, suddenly energetic, while Sky sweated slightly. 'What's a Sky-anium?' He wondered, and how did it suddenly make her so energetic? While watching Mia skip off to the kitchen, humming happily, he couldn't help but smile as well.

Just last night, they became boyfriend and girlfriend, and he still had butterflies in his stomach, still shocked that such an angelic person would willingly become the girlfriend of someone like him.

"Darling~! I feel like you're thinking something bad about yourself! Stop it!" Mia called out from the kitchen, making Sky smile wryly while thinking 'How did she know? I guess a woman's intuition truly is scary.'

Sky had to admit. Mia's food was probably the best he had ever tasted. Maybe because he was bias toward his girlfriend, maybe because it really was just that good, either way, Sky scarfed it down quickly, making a startled face when he realized there was none left. Mia giggled at the sight: "Darling really has a big appetite huh~?" before bringing him a second plate.

"N-no! It's just that good, I couldn't help but want seconds." Sky retorted.

"M-mou~! Stop being such a sweet-talker!" Mia smilingly responded, before sitting down herself and starting to eat. Suddenly, Sky realized that he forgot yet again about his online friend. His eyes widened, and he interrupted Mia: "Wait, Mia, let me text my friend real quick. I completely forgot that I was supposed to play with them yesterday night!" Mia only nodded understandingly, but on the inside thought 'Tch. So he still remembered.'

Texting a flustered apology to his "amused" friend who was anything but, he swore that he wold play with them tonight, no matter what.

Afterwards, Sky and Mia made their way to school, where they again parted ways, the only thing different being how now, Tony and his goons would glare at him, their gazes filled with not-so-good intent.

"Settle down, class. Today we have a new transfer student. Please meet Arahna Hunter! Why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself?"

"My name is Arahna Hunter~,and look forward to getting to know you all better~. Ufufufu~." Arahna said, covering her mouth while giggling a little. 'Luckily, by pulling a few strings, I've managed to transfer into Sky's classroom~. Now, it's only a matter of… convincing… those two girls… Skadi and Alana was it? To transfer out. By words or by force. And as for Mia? Sky's girlfriend? Ufufu~ IN HER DREAMS. I'm afraid she'll… have to… disappear… Sky would be so heartbroken, and I'll be there to comfort him~.' She smiled at the thought.

The class burst into conversation, asking questions like where she was from, what she liked to do, her favorite animal (spider… duh), and some other… questionable questions mixed in asking if she was single.

And for good reason! Arahna embodied the words "mature beauty". Elegant, graceful, classy. With purple-ish white hair and black eyes that had a mischievous light in them, it seemed that once again, the boys' "Beauty Rankings" would have to be revised. As she sat down, a crowd of students gathered around her, happily talking with her. It seemed she would be a popular one…

The bell rang, dismissing the students for lunch, and Sky, as he had done before, went to Mia's classroom and waited for her to come out before going together to the food stall. Yet, after a while, he realized that Mia for some reason, wasn't here. Slightly sad, he texted her: "I noticed you aren't at school today, are you okay?"

She responded immediately. "Sorry~. I'm out with some friends right now! Sorry for not telling you earlier!"

Sky was slightly shocked, before sighing. Just because they were in a relationship didn't mean that they couldn't live separate lives. After typing a flippant "Ok, have fun!" he closed his phone, before finding his way to the rooftop. Opening the door, he saw… Skadi? Noticing that the door was slightly ajar, she glanced at the cause of the noise: Sky.

She glared at him, before saying: "Did you forget what I said already? WHY ARE YOU HERE?" She yelled at the end, her eyes slightly shaking. 'Again? Why does my heart seem to flutter when I see him? It feels… like… a part of me is missing… And why? WHY?! WHY does my heart hurt so much when I see him with that… that slut?!'

The sound of shattering glass was heard by Skadi, and once again, her eyes cleared once more. 'O-oh my goddess! What have I done?! What have I done?! WHAT HAVE I DONE?! Why am I so cold to my own husband? We promised since childhood didn't we? And why does he look… so scared when he looks at me? I'm his wife! What did I do?!' While she was horrified internally, externally, she just seemed to be staring at Sky, making him extremely uncomfortable.

"S-sorry Skadi… I-I'll leave now…" He sighed, before turning around and starting to leave. Suddenly, he felt a soft hand clutch his arm.

"D-don't." It was Skadi. She had run after Sky, and grabbed onto his arm, looking up at him, her eyes trembling.

"P-please. Husband! Don't go!" She repeated again, this time with more conviction in her voice.

"Huh?" He said, clear disbelief in his voice. This girl, who was cold to him since childhood suddenly called him husband? What the hell was going on? He shook her arm off, before looking away. "Skadi, in all fairness, you have treated me as if I was just a speck of dust in your eyes ever since 'that incident' happened. I don't know what mess you're trying to pull me into, but I'm sure I don't want to get involved with it. Randomly bringing up our childhood pledge when it benefits you, and forgetting about it when you don't need me proves that you clearly just view me as a tool to be used. I'm done being stuck on our past together, and with Mia, MY girlfriend, I'll walk towards a brighter future with her. Now, if you'll excuse me." He said coldly, trying to conceal his trembling voice, which would prove he still hadn't gotten over it, as he shook her arm off and continued walking.

Skadi's heart felt as if it was run through with many icicles. She felt her eyes grow wet, but as she looked down, no tears fell. They were suspended in mid-air, seemingly frozen in air, making for a truly magical sight; an ice fairy amidst a flurry of ice and snow. She looked up in the air in wonder, seeing an amazing sight.

A beautiful woman, with pale blue hair adorned with a crown made of pure ice, regal blue eyes, and dressed in a flowing dress seemed to have been made of silk, but at closer glance, it was made of finely woven ice, decorated with beautiful snowflakes, glimmering a beautiful rainbow hue whenever sunlight hit it; her majesty was undeniable.