Icy Skies

With each passing day, Sky seemed to have slowly made a recovery. He would go to school, come home to spend time with an increasingly clingier Skadi, before finally ending the night by playing video games with his friend, Weaver_of_Fate.

Now that he thought about it, Skadi seemed to be showing almost… obsessive tendencies. She would mutter incoherently whenever Sky talked about his experiences with Weaver_of_Fate or with his late girlfriend Mia.

Skadi's eyes would grow dark, the air around her dropping to below zero temperatures, and she would smile almost maniacally before Sky inevitably pulled her into a hug, causing her to flush while weakly expressing her complaints, before sniffing his chest slightly. Cute. As expected of his girlfriend!

Girlfriend? Yes. That's right. Sky and Skadi I had become a couple. A lot of failed lunches, a lot of embarrassment, and a lot of dates later, Skadi had achieved her goal of finally becoming Sky's girlfriend.

"Remember when you confessed to me Sky?" Skadi asked, flushing slightly.

"Yeah, I remember. I still remember when you cried in my chest~. Gee, you were that happy to be my girlfriend huh~." Sky said teasingly, grinning at her.

"You scoundrel!" Skadi pouted, hitting his chest slightly.

"Hahaha! My bad, my bad Skadi!" Sky laughed, before holding her slightly cold hand as they took off for school. With Skadi leaning her head against his shoulder, humming happily with eyes closed contentedly, they truly made a lot of loners cry tears of blood that day.

"But yeah, I do. I still remember when that sick bastard tried to make a move on you… Still makes me angry that he got away scot-free." Sky said, turning serious.

That day, Skadi and Sky, after having a quick bite at a ramen restaurant, Sky suddenly had to use the bathroom and after quickly apologizing to Skadi, Sky rushed to the bathroom, leaving Skadi alone. Soon after, an employee of the restaurant sauntered over, leering at Skadi before saying: "You're boyfriend over there's such a wuss, completely outclassed by a flower like you. Let me show you what a real man's like." He slammed the wall with his arm, full kabedon style. And at second glance, he really didn't look that bad. He embodied the typical beach boy: wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, muscular, a Hawaiin t-shirt and a pair of loose sweats, he looked like one of those guys who if they weren't at the beach surfing, were at the gym working out, "all brawn no brain" as they would say.

"I'm not his girlfriend." Skadi muttered quietly. "...yet."

"Oh~? Even better! He doesn't deserve someone like you anyway. Come on, let's go have some fun!" He said, trying to pull her along, while licking his lips lasciviously. 'The aphrodisiac that I put in her drink should be taking effect any second now…'

Meanwhile, Skadi had already figured out the playboy's intentions from the very start, immediately cooling the unnatural heat that was building up in her body. 'Maybe I should play along… Sky should be coming out any second now…'

Suddenly, Skadi seemed to flush, stumbling weakly, to which the playboy caught her. "Are you okay?!" He asked, seemingly worried. 'There it is. Now all I have to do is take her home and…'

"Y-yeah, just a little hot." Skadi whispered huskily.

It was then that Sky rushed out of the bathroom, running towards Skadi with a speed he didn't even know he possessed.

"Get the fuck away from her!" Sky roared, slapping away the "concerned" playboy's hand. "I know you spiked her drink with an aphrodisiac!"

Panicking inwardly, the playboy responded with a sneer. "Even if I did, you have no proof. I'm suing you for assault and defamation!"

"I got it. Right here." Sky said coldly, holding up the cup that Skadi drank from, showing an almost crystal-like powder still sticking to the walls of the cup.

The playboy shouted something incoherent, lunging at the cup, wanting to destroy the evidence, tackling Sky in the process, and with the playboy on top and his obviously superior muscular strength, Sky was… a sad sight to behold by the end of it. Battered and bruised, Sky slowly picked himself up seeing that the playboy had long left having destroyed any evidence of his wrongdoings

"Urgh…" Sky moaned, clutching his head.

"Why didn't you at least fight back?! You basically just stood still tanking his blows!" Skadi immediately rushed to his side, helping him up. 'That bastard… When I find him… He'll wish he'd have never been born…'

"It's been my creed since forever to never fight back physically, on top of me just being physically weak. And besides, I just didn't want the same incident that happened with you and Tony to repeat again… All I knew is that I couldn't let the same thing happen again…" He said, clenching his fists so hard that his knuckles grew white.

"And all I know is that… right now? I won't let the same thing happen to you again… I'll be there for you… I swear." Skadi replied, her eyes glinting with resolve, before seizing Sky's lips, pulling him into a kiss.

Sky's eyes widened. He knew about Skadi's feelings for him but for her to be this… this bold! He felt as if their roles were reversed… as if he was the maiden being saved by the knight and not the other way around! He quickly shook the thought out of his mind before pulling away.

Suddenly Sky spoke. "So… we a… thing now?"

"Are we?" Skadi spoke back, seemingly scared to hear the answer.

"I would say so… Only if you want to be with someone like me." Sky responded somewhat teasingly. And with that, Skadi leapt into his arms, sobbing slightly. "Y-you don't understand how long I've waited for you to say that… For you to accept me as your girlfriend… You dense idiot!" She confessed her fear.

"Sorry Skadi… It… It just took me time to trust in others again, to believe that I won't be left all alone again… Especially after… Especially after Mia's death…" Sky responded, pulling her into his embrace.

With content smiles on their faces, they went home, now boyfriend girlfriend. The following days, Skadi's attitude seemed to have undergone drastic changes. She would no longer deny her love for Sky verbally and would even be bold enough to kiss him of her own volition, before blushing slightly.

"I-I'm your girlfriend now! It's what I'm s-supposed to do!" She would say, before looking away, which would inevitably lead to Sky pulling her into his embrace, inwardly exclaiming: 'T-this… This is too cute! She's too cute!'