Cue the training montage

A/N: there is no way for mc to accurately judge his speed and strength so I had to get creative the real speed and strength will be in the author's note at the bottom. He is fairly close in guessing but I know some people like exact numbers.

-Harry Potter pov-

I awoke from my serene slumber from the golden glows of the sun draping elegantly over my face, my eyes cracked open as I slowly got up from my bed.

As I got up from my bed I tried to use my arm to prop myself up, *crack* big mistake clearly seeing as I haven't gotten used to my newfound strength.

Sighing I continued on with my daily routine, I ended up breaking three toothbrushes before giving up and casting a cleaning spell on my teeth. Usually, the spell would be too 'rough' on teeth but mine are super tough and the charm fan be used on them.

Walking down the stairs I came face to portrait with my family.

""""HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"""" they all yelled in unison

"Thank you guys it means a lot really," I replied with a genuine smile

"Of course sweety, now what are your big plans today," Grandma Dorea asked in a gentle tone

"Aha, nothing much just some training then I will probably hit Diagon alley and see what fun I can cook up," I replied with a small smile

"Sounds boring," Fleamont said in a dry tone

"Yeah well it won't be," I shot back with an eye roll

"Now now honey, I'm sure Harry will have a grand time," Euphemia said with a smile

"Yeah, I'm sure you can cook up some old fashion Potter fun!" Charlus added in with a wide smirk

"Yep! I will think of some fun to be had," I replied in a chipper mood

Thus began an hour-long conversation between me and my relatives, I got to say I actually like talking to them. I usually have short conversations throughout the day but today was my birthday so I stayed and had an extended chat.

Once I was done talking to them I began to eat up my birthday breakfast Dobby cooked me, I gotta love that little guy.

Taking a sip of my drink the warm but cold taste of gelu ignis poison otherwise known as Frost Fire poison, ran down my throat making my body relax in bliss, truly is a magnificent taste.

While I was eating Sirius's Patronus flew into my humble abode the message read,

'HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU TERRORIST YOU~ hope your day is splendid! I couldn't figure out a good gift for you, I mean you would probably steal anything you fancy right? So my gift to you is formally letting you know that Cissy is now on the Hogwarts Board Of Governors! I figured out how to let my Patronus carry letters so inside is the face the old goat made when he heard about it, yeah he couldn't keep his face blank this time around! And also inside is a shiny locket I found around the house krecher was fighting me on it but I wanted to send it to you anyway. I couldn't open the damn thing but it's nice and I figure it might do well with your collection of cool things! Have fun out there kid and seriously terrorizing muggles?'

Did this mother fucker just send me one of Toms's Horcruxes! Ahaha this has to be the dumbest way, anyone has gotten a hold of one of these bad boys. 'Add it to your collection' he says, more like exorcise the bitch.

At least I got the knowledge of how to do an exorcism. I mean it was only one piece of knowledge but it did let me know the principles of what I should do. If I had it my way id like to keep this piece of history intact. Of course, I could just stab it with my Claymore but then the locket would also break.

Checking my points I saw I had 100k again probably from the news spreading and all of my wanted posters.

I did a spin for ten pieces of rare knowledge,

[Congratualtions you bought ten pieces of rare knowledge,

-Alchemy (full metal alchemist version)

-artifact creationx2

-exorcist artsx2

-magical paintingx3

-magical sculpting x3]

The knowledge entered my mind, I would think artifact creation and exorcist arts would be the cooler pieces of knowledge but gah damn magical painting and magical sculpting are cool as hell, not to mention alchemy from FMA.

Magical painting is a lot more intricate than I originally thought it was, for example, some colors give off different effects when used in magical paintings for example light blue can be used as a calming effect and bright red as an anger inducer.

Truly interesting.

I already have some plans to use both sculpting and painting to their fullest potential.

I went to the ritual room and put the locket down then drew multiple symbols on the ground.

"anima intus receptans transire nolebat, ab oculis meis abscede! ut iustissimus furor decimare animam tuam!" (Tanslation: soul harboring inside unwilling to cross over, begone from my sight! may my righteous fury decimate your soul!)

Smoke began to pour out of the locket slowly Tom Riddle began to form. He was thrashing about and screaming, hysterical really.

"Ahhhhh!" *shatter*

His soul shattered into a million pieces and then disappeared from my sight. The only thing left was a beautiful silver locket.

Picking up the locket I put it inside my inventory for safekeeping. Then I left the ritual room and went out to train a little before hitting the town.

I began with my speed, I started off with a light job only to find myself across my courtyard in ten seconds flat. Jesus Christ, I'm fast.

So I began to run, and run I did I figured out I was fast as fuck boy! I am not speedster fast but I am faster way faster than captain America for sure.

I kept running but I couldn't figure out my exact speed, so I made an educated guess and said somewhere between 110mph-120 mph which is fast compared to other superhumans. If I remember correctly cap can run full speed at about 60mph so yeah I'm way faster.

Next, I practiced my strength, and damn I was strong I could pick up just about anything I could find in the manor and courtyard. I found a rock and cast a charm that increases something's weight.

I kept casting it until I was at 1,500 pounds because that's as far as the spell can reach. And I could still lift that weight with ease. I then went to the mundane world in search of a car. I absentmindedly found myself in front of the Dursley home. I could see Aurors around the home probably in case I went back. Luckily I was wearing my invisibility cloak.

I walked up to the car the Dursleys owned avoiding any wards they set up easily. I then picked up the car and chucked it at the house.


The car landed right through the roof.

"What the fuck!" I heard an Auror shout before I Apparated away

When lifting the car I felt like I could pick up way more than one, I know from my car smuggling days the average car weighs about 1 and a half tons. So I would say my strength is about 20 plus tons. I mean that's just an estimate but my gut is telling me I'm right.

I continued to train and try to hone my new abilities all day, suddenly the sun began to rise once more and I still haven't slept a wink.

That means I missed my birthday trip to Diagon alley! I'm going to go right now screw it this is my birthday week!

I apparated to Diagon alley, my clothes were a muggle suit and I looked like Barney Stinson from how I met your mother.

As I was walking to a bar I saw a flock of red-haired wizards and witches, hahaha this is going to be Legen wait for it... Dary!

Spotting Ron from in the crowd of them I silently cast Liberacorpus the spell shot right at him.

"Mom let's go look at the brooms!" I heard the kid say before he was yanked up into the air

"Mom! Get me down!" he yelled

"Fred! George get your brother down from there!" I heard Molly screech

A crowd of people began to form as I cast another spell at him this time it was Permanens Infertilità which causes the target to become forever sterile.

"Who cast that!" Molly screeched at the crowed

Some people stayed quiet not meeting the enraged women's eyes. Some were taking photos and others were laughing.

"Stop laughing you, gits!" Ron yelled in rage

Not being able to stop my impulses I slung one more spell called Threicae vitae tempus or tattoo of a lifetime. The tattoo will never be able to be hidden by glamour and can not be removed.

Arthur Weasley saw the spell coming and hastily put up a shield, sadly the spell rebounded and hit the frantic Molly Weasley.

This time everyone, I mean everyone turned silent as the big bold word Traitor was etched into her forehead.

I saw Aurors coming to see what the hell is going on so I wisely went back home. Sadly I won't be able to see the aftermath but, this birthday outing was indeed Legen wait for it... Dary!

[time skip 2 weeks]

For these past two weeks, I have been rigorously training my body and all forms of magic at my disposal while practicing sneaking around Hogwarts in the grand hall.

I have made great progress at sorcery now I can easily open and close portals and summon energy constructs.

[two more weeks]

I am now well versed in all forms of my magic and knowledge, I can now control my strength perfectly.

Now I'm spending time working on objects needed for stealing the goblet and some other items from Hogwarts.

On a side note, my blood-selling business is booming, I have gotten some rather interesting artifacts. I'm even called the blood merchant, pretty cool name if you ask me.

[3 more weeks]

The new term at Hogwarts has just started and I am almost done with what I need to finish. Just a little more and It will be complete.

[October 29th]

Tomorrow the schools arrive, and I will make my way to the school today.

I can taste victory.


A/N: so I kept the time skip summaries short on purpose I want to keep you all in the dark so the reveal is exciting.

*stats coming up are what my opinion a peak superhuman is*

Speed: 130mph

Strength: 25 tons (that's luke cages and I would consider him peak in superhuman strength at that level thor level strength is getting Into several tiers up)

Durability: he can withstand a missile to the chest. Might need some blood to recoup his strength afterward but he can survive

Stamina: I don't know how to quantify stamina but he has a lot of it. He can fight a physical fight for days. But magic fights are different.