Wedding and kidnapped

"Hey,wake up,we are gonna be late, Kayla. Today is your big day". Alexis threw the pillow at her. It hit her head. Kayla groaned and changed position on the bed. Alexis stood on the bed and started jumping to wake her up. "Seriously Alexis,I can't sleep in peace". Kayla said wrongly. "It's past 8am already, I can leave you to sleep but your wedding starts at 10 prompt". Alexis reasoned. "I can't believe I slept that much". Kayla woke up. Alexis giggled. "Go take a proper shower, I'm heading downstairs to make breakfast". Alexis said, "I hate you Alexis". Kayla said, "You love me". Alexis replied and flashed her a smile.

"Mmmmm what's that fresh aroma", Kayla said while heading downstairs. "Alexis who is gonna eat all that food". Kayla exclaimed. Alexis giggled. "It's 3 people,you me and my godson, now sit and let's eat. We have less than 2 hours to get ready before your father arrives with the car to pick you up at the venue". Alexis explained. After eating, Kayla offered to help with the dishes but Alexis didn't agree.

"Kayla stop wasting time with my makeup,we need to do yours, it's less than an hour". Alexis explained. "I'm almost done,there you go". Kayla replied. Alexis couldn't believe herself when she looked in the mirror. "Is that really me Kayla,I look beautiful". "Yes you do, can you help with my makeup also". Kayla asked. "I will try". Alexis replied.


"I'm done". Alexis said. "I can't believe you are good now at this. I look wonderful and I love my wavy hair". Kayla said, "You are welcome. That's the least we can do for each other". "Can you help me with my attire". Kayla asked. "Sure". Alexis nodded.

"Are you ready, Kayla?". Alexis asked when they were all done. "I'm not sure, there's this feeling that something bad will happen today and I'm feeling nervous". Kayla explained. "Don't worry, it's all part of wedding traumas, you will be fine,trust me and I will be with you throughout the whole process". Alexis replied. "Can I give you a hug". Kaya asked. Alexis nodded. "Thank you Alexis for being such a great friend". Alexis tapped her back.

Ding ding,the bell rang. "They are here, let's go". They headed downstairs and Kayla's dad hugged her and whispered, "My daughter is all grown up and a big girl now. Daddy is proud of you". Kayla smiled.

Cheers erupted as Kayla's dad walked her down the aisle. Alexis couldn't help but glance at Steve, looking so elegant as if it was his own wedding. After the exchange of vows, Alexis excused herself to go to the restroom.

While moving in the crowd, she realized someone was following her. She hurried up but she was blocked by someone who looked familiar. When she tried to scream,her mouth was covered with a cloth to stifle her screams. They injected her in the neck as darkness welcomed her.

Flashback(some years back)


"Are you sure my niece was part of the accident". James asked. "I'm sorry sir, but I think she wasn't part". James slapped his men hard across his face. "Don't you know how to do your job?I worked hard to get rid of my brother and his wife,now I have to deal with their child". "Sorry sir",they bowed. "Get her for me at all cost even if you have to burn down the whole country. Leave my presence this instant". James commanded.

"Sir,we have news she works as a doctor in Country G". "Give me the address as soon as possible and prepare a flight for me". "This is gonna be more difficult than I thought". James thought. "Sir,we have someone who knows her and can direct her to us,it seems she hates her to the bone as much as you",one of James' men said. "Let whoever in but don't let her find out why,we can't risk anything. I'm guessing right now my niece might be thinking it's Johnson, her father's best friend. Between all this, she will never know who hit her". James laughed wickedly.

"Who are you?",James asked as the girl with information came in. "I'm Kelsey and I know who you are looking for. We are on the same scale". Kelsey replied. "But what are you gonna do with her? Don't kill her but let her vanish from this place. I don't want to be in jail". Kelsey further explained. "Where's she? Don't test my patience, it's very limited. You might not like what I will do to you." James demanded"There will be a wedding tomorrow at this venue. It's her best friend's wedding, she will be there. I will also meet you there". Kelsey explained, "Happy cooperation". Kelsey said, "Get lost and keep your mouth shut". Kelsey nodded.

End of flashback

"Where I'm I?. Leave me alone". Alexis shouted when she realized she was tied to a chair in a dark room. "Will you shut up little one,my master doesn't like noise". "Who are you and who's your master". Alexis asked. The man in black laughed. "I like feisty girls". The man replied, "Don't come near me, you are so disgusting". Alexis said. "Well, I came here to give you food", the man replied. "I won't eat. What if it's poisoned". Alexis replied. "Suit yourself". The man replied and walked away. "Hey don't leave me here,I want to go home". Alexis burst into tears. "What did I do", she questioned herself.

"Steve, have you seen Alexis around? I can't find her. I've searched everywhere". Kayla asked. "Wasn't she with you?". Steve asked. "She excused herself to the restroom but it's more than an hour and she's not back yet. Her phone is even with me.". Kayla replied. "Let's go find her". Steve said. "If anything happens to her, I won't forgive myself. I knew something bad would happen today". Kayla said. "Don't worry, we will find her". Steve reasoned.

"From the CCTV camera,it seems she was kidnapped but by who and why didn't anyone see anything". Steve fumed in anger. Kayla burst into tears. "Dave, can you get Kayla to rest? Charles and I will look for Alexis and bring you information if we find anything". Steve said. Dave nodded. "Steve, please save my friend and bring her back home". Kayla said. "Don't worry,we will find her but we need not to alert anyone first. Maybe there's a traitor among us". Steve said. Kayla and Dave nodded.