
Chapter three

I got home in two hours.

I feel so tired and weak. Mom should be home already.

I walk inside the kitchen. I feel so hungry. I take a cereal box and quickly mix the cornflakes.

Is mom really at home?

She always waits for me to get home before she sleeps. Well, ok on most occasions. Maybe she's tired today and went to sleep earlier.

A knock on the door forces my legs to the sitting room. I wonder who's by the door at this time of the night. It can be Heidi.

I walk to the door, "Who's there?"

"It's Heidi!" She says and I smile. Like I've guessed, it's really her.

I open the door and leave it for her. I walk back to the kitchen to continue eating. Heidi walks behind me to the kitchen.

I look up at her now, she looks so disturbed, "Is something wrong?" I ask her and take a spoon of the cereal. I'm still hungry.

Her mouth took on a wry line, then she starts sobbing.

I walk to her, "What's wrong Heidi?"

Heidi is like a sister to me. Though her parents are still alive and they live in the next apartment. She's always free to come in or even stay at our place. It's how close we are.

She looks up now, "It's mom."

My heart quickens, "What happened to her?" I know her mom suffers from a special illness. Most of the time, she was always scared of losing her mom like I've lost my father.

She shakes her head slightly, "I'm talking about your mom."

It felt like someone hammered my heart. I hold her by both shoulders, " What happened?"

Wait? Isn't she at home?

I turn away and walk into her room. She's not in.

I walk to the bathroom, "Mom!" I scream her name.

Fear gripped me and I had to run inside my room too while still looking for my mom.

I must be going insane. I walk back to Heidi. The tears were coming from my eyes now.

I can't afford to lose my mom. She's the only one I've got. God, I don't want to lose her.

"What happened to her? Why is she not at home yet?'

Heidi sobs softly, "She came home but some guys came to take her away. They gave me this to give to you," she stretches out a small ID card. It's Paul's loan ID.

Gosh, my mom has been taken by one of the town loan sharks.

I feel my legs shake under me. I need to get my mom out of there.

I take my coat and run out. I take a cab straight to the small office of Paul loan.

It's dawn, it's almost three. They should be in the office already. I don't even care. I will make sure I go home with my mom this night.

I pay the chauffeur and I didn't even wait to collect the change of my money before rushing inside the office. Paul wasn't in, I bet he's beside his wife right now while my mom sleeps at his office.

They all be dead if they don't give me back my mom!

I bang at the door of the office. Steve runs in. Steve is the security man.

"Is something wrong?"

"Where's Mr. Paul?"

"He's at home. If you want to speak with him, you had better come back by nine. He comes here very early in the morning."

" I'm going to wait for him!" I say and move to sit on the floor. I don't care how long it takes him. I just want him to release my mother to me.

There's nothing I can do without her.

The sounds of the horn jerk me out of my slumber. I look around me and realize it's morning already. I must have slept while waiting for that stupid man. I don't believe he made my mom sleep in this stinking office.

A car had driven in It parks and the door open. Paul walks out and my heart leaps for joy.

I move closer to him, "Good morning, sir."

He studied me for a while, "Why did I feel I've seen you before?"

I nod severally, "You may do because the woman in your custody is my mother."

He burst out laughing now, " Are you kidding me? She has a grown woman like you and she still didn't have the money to pay me?" He teases, mocking me somehow. I squeeze my face at him. I feel so much anger but I can't do anything.

I don't even have any dime to give out. I just have to hope he listens to me and takes pity upon me.

I went down on my knees, "Please, I beg you. Please, release my mom."

"I will if you can give me my money now. A two hundred dollars and you will be ok your way home."

I don't even have fifty thousand dollars. God, I'm so not feeling so well about this.

Paul hisses and looks back briefly; a woman walks to him and they both walk towards the office.

I stand and rush to them again, "Release my mom. I will stay behind while my mom will go and look for the money to pay you back with."

Paul smirk, " Are you kidding me!" He screams at me, then tries to calm himself. He looks back briefly, then at me. You can vividly see the frustration on his face, "You should go and make the money you want to give me yourself. I won't release your mom unless you pay me my money," he repeats and walks inside. I stay still for a while as I think of what to do. I'm just so confused.

What should I do? I don't want my mom to sleep at that place, not this night again.

Perhaps, I should go and meet with Mrs. Maggie.

I run out again and take a cab. I soon get to Magic Street. I walk inside the bar. I walk straight to Maggie's office.

I knock on the door slightly, "Mrs. Maggie, it's me Jayde."

"Oh, come in," she says and I walk in.

Mrs. Maggie has been so kind and supportive. I'm sure she would be able to help me.

I enter with a smile, "Mrs. Maggie, I need your help."

She's folding her hands and giving me the stares that keep telling me something is wrong somewhere. The next thing she did was pick an envelope from the desk and stretch it out towards me.

"You've been sacked Jayde."

I can't even believe my ears.

What does she mean by that? Is she playing pranks on me? I collect the envelope and tore it. I bring out the paper in it and look through it. It's really a sack letter but why. Why would she sack me? I've never done anything wrong. I'm always obedient and I don't steal. So, why will they sack me?

I look at Mrs. Maggie, with eyes gone gob smack, "What have I done to deserve this?" Even my voice sounds unlike me. I don't know while all these had to happen to me at the same time.

She went silent for a while, " Will you say you didn't slap Declan?"

Oh, like seriously? So, this is what it's all about. Declan promised to get me sacked and he eventually did.

That's not even the most annoying part of this content, the fact that Mrs. Maggie sacked me without even hearing from me is what is.

With all the respect I have for Mrs. Maggie, I don't believe she can do me this way.

I take a deep breath and look at her, "You know what Maggie, I'm so highly disappointed in you," I tell her and walk out of the office.

Now, my hope has just been dashed.

What should I do about my mom?

God, I'm so angry. For the first time in my life, I'm so angry at fate for making it so hard for me.

What should I do?

My phone rings suddenly. I press the receiver and ease the phone closer to my ear, "Hello."

"Yes, this is Paul Loan. I am going to release your mom on one condition. Meet me in my office now," he finishes and the phone went off.

What can it be?

I don't really care. I am ready to do anything to save my mom.