Secrets Leaked

Chapter twenty-three


"So, why do I keep calling and you kept ignoring me?"

"Hattie, calm down," Beatrice says softly.

" Oh fuck!" I raise my voice at her, "I'm not Hattie! My name is Jayde!"

"Hattie waits," James says, rushing in as if to prevent me from screaming and waking the whole neighborhood.

I turn to look at him, the pains of having someone dis-flower you against my wish flooding in. I will never forget what Mercy did to me.

"Don't ever call me that again! I'm no fucking Hattie Everett!" I scream again. The pains I felt finally seeping away and formed anger in me.

"Please, keep calm," he tried again, his eyes pleading.

I try to calm down, even though they didn't do anything or talk back to me. And that's strange.

I expect Mercy to flare up now and threaten me. She's so good at that. But today, it seems like a cat got her tongue.