Chapter thirty-six


I turn to look at Declan, "What the fuck are you doing?"

"What does it seem to you," the smirk was gone from his face. His face now held a dark frown, "I'm trying to save everyone the stress."

"The stress of what? I don't even know what you are talking about," I try to defend myself.

" You don't?" He raises a brow and waited. When I didn't say anything, he starts the car again, "Maybe we can end this once and for all. Then we will tell each other the truth in heaven," he says and starts increasing the accelerator.

My heart jumps to my mouth as I watch him. Does he really mean that? Does he want to kill us?

I have to admit to whatever he wants.

"Hey! Stop the car!" I scream at him and he pulls to a stop immediately.

I try to relax, to stop my heavy breathing.

"So, perhaps you can start by telling me what I want to hear."