Jayde's POV

Running around the hospital would have been my best bet at finding Henry, but I think that isn't smart of me to do. The chances of me bumping into one of the men that have been sent out to look for me is pretty high and for once in my life i hate the fact that I look so recognizable. The fact that i look so much like Hattie is indisputable at this point and if i dare just go out of this room, casually walking around and acting like i own the place, i will be taken, even if they have to force me and I'm guessing that is why the bouncers have been enlisted. The fact that they just look like bodyguards is probably just because of the fact that they want people to think they are guarding me. I can't allow anyone see me and i need to get out of here fast. I can still call Declan if worse gets to worst, he won't approve of me seeing Henry, but he'll be able to help me at least.