Jayde's Pov

"Adrian no!"

The baby ignores me and still bites me anyways.

It's painful as hell. Mrs Anne just stands and she laughs as she looks at the both of us. Ariana is also around, one of her other grand daughters and she just doubles up on the floor in laughter. I can swear on my favorite dress that Adrian is hearing all that they are saying, and he is just performing for their amusement.

Isn't this baby supposed to think of his mother first before anyone else? Huh? Isn't he supposed to consider me above everything else, me, the one that gave birth to him?.

He gives a small contented smile and for a four month old child i can assure you that be manages to surprise me every day. I use a bib to clean some of the milk that has dribbled out the side of his mouth and he grabs my hand, even as he is still sucking.  He grabs onto it tightly and he doesn't let go.