Jayde's pov

I so hate Brent for making me do this.

"Hey, it's beautiful, don't think too much about it."

I nod and i want to believe that it is truly beautiful, this mad idea that i came up with about a month ago and which is coming into fruition now. I mean thus is the first thing that i could think of and i think this is that one thing that i wished i didn't think of.

My mother nudges me by the arm and she smiles at me. This had all started as some small joke but it isn't a joke now. Mother says that i had always dreamt of opening a big beauty house, like a make up salon and fashion store.

Well that is what i have done.

With more than half a million dollars at your disposal, you'll find that you can do a number of things in a very very short amount of time. As they say, money talks, and i am sure as hell that it does, just that i don't know what this building is saying to me right now.