A Hotshot Lawyer

Yuri couldn't believe it. He had access to a system with advanced Artificial Intelligence that was eons better than any AI that existed in his time. "I'll finally get to avenge you, Gaia," Yuri remembered the quest that the system gave him. "What was the quest again?"

[Quest: Help Akira Prove the Whistleblower's Innocence]

"Right. Like I said before, I will do my best. But first, I have to go eat. You can't save the world on an empty stomach."

After speedily choking himself with steamy hot Miso soup, he went inside the courtroom.

He devised the most absurd plan ever and the AI would be essential to his plan's success. Although there was a major risk, he knew the payoff would be great.

The plan seemed perfect in his mind and what was only left was to execute it perfectly as well.

Yuri opened the door and walked casually in. Akira and his client were on the front row of the left side of the court while the President of the Casanova Corporation and his team of lawyers were on the right side of the court.

Yuri casually headed to the front row and, to everyone's surprise, sat right next to the President of the Casanova Corp. He casually took some papers off the table and proceeded to read the documents as if he was part of a team of lawyers. Everyone in the court had noticed him, and even the Judge was astounded, as this had never happened before in the Judge's lifelong career.

President said, "Who the hell are you?". He looked at him as if he was already tearing him apart piece by piece.

Yuri looked around and said, "Oh my! I'm sorry... Wrong table."

Akira could only look at Yuri with disappointment but deep inside he was about to commit seppuku. Fortunately, Yuri had been kicked out of the court by the judge.

Kicked out of the Tokyo District Courthouse, Yuri laughed deviously and said, "My plan worked! Now to get to the next step."

What everyone in the courtroom didn't know was that Yuri had worn the AI on his left hand and put it close enough for the Artificial Intelligence to copy every part of the President's cellphone and laptop. He had commanded the AI to start the copy once it was close enough.

He raised his hand in victory and said, "AI... that is a watch thingy... Transform into that President's phone."

The AI transformed into the phone. "Nice! Now, transform into the laptop." And the AI transformed into the exact copy of the laptop.

"Now the last step he said. Access all data and networks in that evil bossman's company concerning the International Tax-evasion ring and money-laundering scheme."

The AI with a robotic voice said, "Wifi Connection is insufficient."

He gasped and slapped his forehead. "Alright, let's go to the closest Starbucks."

He sat down on a solo table and plugged the AI Laptop into fiber Internet.

The moment the connection began, the laptop began processing the command and unfamiliar software and programming appeared on the monitor. After 30 minutes of processing, the AI was finished.

"Command Complete. All information and data have been compiled. Please input your next instruction." the AI said with a robotic voice.

"That was a bit long, but what can you expect, I haven't even upgraded or leveled up yet. Good job! The next command is to send this to all the prosecutors in Japan, especially Akira's phone and laptop."

"Who would you like to be identified as the sender?" the AI asked.

He thought about it for a couple of minutes and said, "Overlord"

He had imagined that after he sends the files all over Japan, hundreds or even thousands of corrupt and dirty rich people would be prosecuted and go to jail. "Imagine Akira's face when he receives a notification about new evidence about his case." He laughed and said, "Akira is probably gonna stand up immediately and say something like 'Your honor, new evidence has come to light'... like some hotshot lawyer on a TV show."

He couldn't wait to command the AI to send it. "AI orb thing send the fil..."

Before he could finish his command, the AI asked him a question.

"Master, What would you like to do with 100 Billion US Dollars?" the AI said with a monotonous robotic voice.

"Oh just ignore... eh?" he had a double-take and said, "Eh? Eeeeh? AI, can you repeat what you just said?"

"Master, What would you like to do with the 100,000,000,000 USD?" the AI repeated again.

"Where did that come from? What do you mean by 100 Billion Dollars? All I asked you was to gather evidence for the case?" he said.

He was situated at the further moment corner of Starbucks, and he lowered his voice more.

"The Artificial Intelligence has gained access to the President's email, phone, laptop, biometrics, and information concerning security questions and was able to access a long list of Cryptocurrency accounts signed on to various Crypto Exchanges. The total estimated value of all accounts reaches 10 Billion US dollars. Would you like the specific amount, note that volatility subjects the amount to fluctuate?"

He couldn't believe it. "So you're telling me... That right now... You could take all that money... transfer it to an anonymous account... And get away with it?"

The AI answered, "Yes, in simple terms, this is feasible."

Yuri threw up a little. The money must have been the Nest Egg the International Tax-evasion ring had, composed of dirty money from drugs, human trafficking, illegal gambling, and every possible felony one could think of. "I guess I have two choices. Send the evidence and let the money be. But if I do that, prosecutors wouldn't have enough time to investigate, and the money would already be gone, even if there was evidence." he thought.

"My other option is to take all of the 100 Billion USD, keep a low profile, and donate 10% to charity. Imagine how much good I could do?" He thought. "And with all that money, I could use that to find the bastards and avenge Gaia."

Yuri patted himself on the back. "Good job Yuri! Way to go! Always thinking about the greater good. Your parents would be proud." he said. "I guess it's totally obvious now what I should do, huh?"

He stood up from his seat and pronounced, "AI... You know what to do."

The AI quickly responded, "Yes, Master. Donating 100% of the money to charity."

"Yes... That's right... Wait... Stop...AI wrong command!" he whispered but with force.

"Stopping. 90% of the money has been donated to charity. What would you like to do with rest, Master?" He sighed. But there was nothing he could do and he moved on. "Put the rest in a secret offshore account. Is that possible?"

"Processing. 10 Billion USD have been successfully transmitted. "By the way, AI, proceed and send the files to all the prosecutors in Japan and news media companies too."

"Sending all files," the AI said.

He sighed in relief. He wished he could have had all of the money but he thought, "Maybe it was for the greater good." He looked at the list of charities that the money went to and he could do nothing but give a genuine smile.

"Enjoy your new homes, little kids."