A Sticky Situation

Yuri is surrounded by the debris of destroyed walls and a hundred Yakuza gangsters ready to devour him like a pack of wolves cornering its prey. The man in black medieval armor stepped forward. He threw the decapitated heads and rolled them over to Yuri like bowling balls bouncing off the dirtied carpet of the hallway. The man wiped his gauntlet off the Yakuza gangster's clothes next to him. He took his helmet off and puts it on his waist side.

"Are those your friends? Or more like what's left of them?"

All the Yakuza laughed and made mocking gestures at their prey in a black Exosuit. Their fear of him from earlier disappeared as they grew confident in the power of their numbers and weapons that are supposed to be of equal power.

"It's one against a hundred. You should have run the moment you had a chance. Though, we would have chased you down anyway."

Yuri ignored the man in black armor. He stared at the heads of his comrades. Their dead eyes were looking at him. It was as if they knew that their master would avenge them. And they did not die cowardly. They knew from the start the dangers of the mission.

"It's you, isn't it? You're Overlord. The demon that took down the Casanova Syndicate and gave their gold to the precious charities. The lord of the Mazoku, vigilantes with demonic abilities. The informant that helped the police crackdown on almost a thousand Yakuza. But you are just a man."

Whilst the man had been talking, Yuri used the AI to analyze and compute the thousands of possible outcomes that his dire situation could end in. Out of the millions of possibilities, the AI found one where Yuri would come out victorious. It was an ability that combined the AI's Computation Capabilities, Autonomous Driving, and Data Analysis, running simulations over and over again.

"Master, Self-Defense Brainstorm Completed." Yuri was armed with an Exosuit and Sword with HP to MP weaponization. How powerful could he possibly be, he thought. Before Yuri could see his face, the man in armor wore his helmet and unsheathed his sword from his back. Yuri turned around and gazed at the smiling faces of gangsters full of themselves, claiming to be apex predators.

"Apex predators? You were the Apex predators of this ecosystem," Yuri said.

"But, what you don't understand... is that this is an invasion."

Yuri laughed loudly. His voice deepened and resonated like a giant demon from hell.

"A man?" his demonic voice penetrated their ears. "Oh no... no... no... I am no mere man."

His Exosuit consumes his own HP, converting it into Mana Points that the AI uses to form a bigger Magitek Exosuit. The Yakuza's eyes reflect a black monster growing and showing scales and exoskeletons.

[Yuri: HP: 0.2/10 -> 0.1/10]

Yuri's Exosuit merged with his Magitek sword and morphed it into a demonic black whip. It whipped and like a Kraken's tentacle grabbed a gangster from the ground and pulled him into Yuri, where the AI consumed all of his HP to fuel Yuri's Exosuit.

"More!" Yuri's demonic voice muttered. "More power!" One by one, the Yakuza are pulled by the whip into his Exosuit, leaving them screaming like tiny ants into an Ant-eaters consummation.

"Shoot him!" the man in armor from earlier shouted. "You with the Magic swords! Attack him!"

They retaliated with their guns, shooting at him from all sides. But his HP would not lessen. Either the bullets could not penetrate the Magitek Exosuit, or his HP would get replenished from the Life Steal.

The battle went on, and more than half of the Yakuza had died from Yuri's Whip with life steal.

"AI, can you give me controls of the Exosuit transformation?" Yuri said.

"Yes, master. Transferring Exosuit Transformation permissions to you now," the AI responded.

Yuri shaped the whip into a flexible blade and made a circular swing. His blade whip sliced ten Yakuza in half and the rest had ducked or took cover from the bottom half of destroyed walls.

The man in full Magitek armor jumped at Yuri and stopped his blade whip.

"You're not the only one with Magic weapons," the man said. He was wearing E-class Magitek Armor and all his attributes had been amplified, allowing him to equal the dexterity, brawn, and finesse that Yuri had. Yuri had not noticed but he had not amplified his Endurance Attribute and it was still at F-class.

"Master, your endurance is diminishing. Further, movement increases the speed of damage to your health points."

"Status," Yuri said.

[Yuri: Status]

[HP: 60/10 ->59/10]

[MP: 2449]

[Dexterity: E]

[Brawn: E]

[Endurance: F]

[Finesse: E]

"Fuck!" Yuri said. "I've overlooked this. But that won't matter."

Yuri pulled his whole Exosuit together and it compacted into his original figure. There was a compact and excess Magitek material compressed in his Exosuit, so he directed them to shape into seven long spears that stabbed seven Yakuza hiding behind the walls. The gangsters tried to damage him by cutting the spears with the Magitek Swords. Four were able to cut the spears but the three had missed and his spears amplified with E-class Dexterity countered the Yakuza with Magitek swords and left gaping holes in their guts.

Yuri slowed down. His HP had gone back to 10/10 but he was not done yet. The man in medieval armor recovered from fending off the spears and he looked around. The whole floor was bloodied. Full of guts and limbs with broken bones, the great number of apex predators had been exterminated and only the two of them were left.

Yuri and himself.

He fell to his knees and knew that he was powerless against the monster before him. A primal instinct had awakened in him. An evolutionary sense for survival. Every cell in his body would shout.

"Please! I beg you! Spare me." He shivered in fear and dropped his helmet and sword to the ground. Never in his life had he thought that he would meet the devil himself. "Please! I will tell you everything... I will tell you where the bosses are... Don't kill me... Please."

Yuri returning to his original Exosuit walked toward the cowering mouse begging and immobilized by pure dread. "Where are they?" Yuri's demonic voice announces.

"They're in the docks. All over Japan," the man's teeth rattle, and his eyes not daring to look at the monster before him. "They used the hostages as a diversion... to... to... break the arrested Yakuza... from... from... prison." Yuri's feet pressed forward in front of the man's face on the ground.

"Look at me!" Yuri morphed his headgear to reveal his face. "LOOK AT ME!"

Yuri had known from the beginning. From when he entered the room, he already knew.

That the man in Armor was Daizen, the leader of the Valhalla Gang that raped and killed Gaia.

Daizen had been excited about the Magic weapons and armor that his adoptive father had recently bought. He volunteered to lead the trap to take revenge against the Overlord that helped the police. He was to wait here in the building and use the element of surprise to kill the Overlord.

Daizen lay on the ground. He turned his head and looked at the man above him. His blurry eyes focused on the monster's face. It was a familiar face. He refreshed his mind and recalled the face of a weak boy walking on the street alongside the girl that they...

"It's you. That kid we... No... no... no! No!... No, it can't be! Please! I beg you! Forgive me!"

"No? NO!!! Forgive? Forgive you!? You think I can forgive you?" Yuri furiously shouted.

"Please, I didn't do anything to her. I let her go... She was still alive the last time I saw her."

Yuri grabbed Daizen by the neck and lifted him in the air. "You meet death in the face and the last thing you do is lie to me?"

"Believe me! please! We didn't do anything to her. When we got to do hideout, my friend called me and invited us to a party... So we left her there. We just heard in the news the next morning that she was gone."

"You expect me to fucking believe you... You fucking bastard!"

Yuri smashed Daizen to the floor and swung his sword straight into his neck.

Daizen's head fell off his neck and rolled on the floor. His headless body leaked blood and his decapitated head lay on the dirt, with his tongue out and eyes bulging with red blood leaking through the corners of his eyes. Yuri walked closer to the head, lifted his right knee, and with all the force that is given to him by the Exosuit crushed the head, smashing it into a pile of meat smudge on the floor with Daizen's eyes popping out and small shreds of his cerebrum sticking to the walls and ceiling.

"You took her from me... and that's where it all started. That was already enough for me to kill you. I will hunt down every last one of you."