A Falling Missile 1

It's dusk and the orange sun sinks itself into the sea as its yellow rays one by one start to disappear and its remaining light shadows the backs of the cumulus-nimbus clouds on the horizon. Yuri soars through the sky, the wind had swept most of the blood from his Exosuit but there was still some crushed flesh left in his armored joints.

"AI, are you able to find the heads of the Yakuza?"

"Yes Master, I have calculated that with the large number of prisoners that they have helped escape they will need a large port to board them and the closest one for maximum ETA."

Yuri thinks about it and says, "The Port of Tokyo! Go!"

His Jet wings boost him forward leaving a trail of smoke behind him as he heads towards the glimmering sea from above.

He arrived at the Port of Tokyo. He gently lands on top of a shipment building and with his modified eyesight due to the Magitek Exosuit, he spots the hundreds of Yakuza in orange prison jumpsuits armed with machine guns and half of them with lesser Magitek Weaponry.

"The Yakuza have fortified themselves inside one of the shipment buildings closest to the port, Master."

Yuri zoomed his vision in and saw three old men at the edge of one of the ports.

"They seem to be emitting some weird unknown signal, Master. It is neither radio nor any known frequency wave."

He zoomed in closer. The oldest one wearing a black hakama seemed to be holding a large coin with weird engravings. It was emitting a signal. Yuri was very familiar with it.

"It must be some kind of Magitek device," Yuri said.

While he was performing reconnaissance, the AI was also processing information on the news and the Internet. The ongoing hostage situations were still a disaster and the Mazoku were helping the police fight off the Yakuza that were using smuggled Magitek weapons, minimizing the damage and casualties from the battles.

The AI proceeded to inform Yuri of the situation.

"Alright, it seems that the hostage takers are simply stalling the police and military until all of the escapees leave the ports."

He grits his teeth.

"Once they leave the island, the hostage takers might commit suicide to further cause chaos for the government, ensuring the other's escape."

He closed off his wings and dived off the building.

"If there is a time to act, it is now. There is no time to hesitate," he thought.

Six meters above the ground, he clawed the wall of the building to stop his momentum from falling and jumped off to the ground. There were three Yakuza guarding the perimeter he was nearing.

One of them walked towards the alley where Yuri was hiding. He prepared to counterattack, but the man was simply there to pee. Yuri whistled, and in the guard's confusion, he grabbed him and knocked him unconscious, making him fall into his puddle of piss.

The other two heard the noise and ran towards him. They looked around and saw no one.

"Where the fuck is that rookie?" The guard grunted.

The other one looked curious and said, "Hey, do you hear some sort of whistle?"

"Yeah, what is that, some sort of sound. Like a missile, falling."


The two of them looked up and Yuri dropped down from the sky and kicked both of them out.

Nearing the gate, he saw the Yakuza lining up, they looked like they were preparing to board, but there was no ship close enough for them to board.

"What are they doing here?" he thought. "They must be waiting for something. And that emitter. Probably emitting their location to someone. Maybe their escape ship?"

The AI had scoured the building and searched it with heat vision.

"Master, I have detected a large male inside the building."

"It must be Botan. They probably caught him and are planning to use him as a hostage if I ever attack them in this situation. These Yakuza have thought up this plan in a short amount of time. And the ambush in the red light district."

Yuri climbed the wall and entered through the window, planning to free Botan from their captivity.

"AI, make sure to assist me to remain undetected. With their amount of Magitek weaponry, I don't if I will be able to fight them off and make sure that Botan's life is secure."

"Yes, master."

"Even just a second too late, I might not be able to save my best friend's life. If I lose him too, I don't know what will happen to me. I might lose myself and begin my villain arc."

"Master?" the AI started to get confused by Yuri's choice of words.

"It's called a joke, AI. We need to work on that."