An Imposed Succession 2

They arrived at the Engineer's office at the construction site for the Mazoku Dojo in Tokyo. Yuri, Akira, and the Artificial Intelligence Sebastian walk out of their limousine followed by bodyguards and black cars for their security team.

They all wore black tailored suits and black sunglasses. The chauffeur opened the door for them.

Akira is surprised at the luxury he is living in.

"Since when did we become the rich and privileged?"

Yuri jokingly smirked.

"We were always rich and privileged, Uncle. We just didn't know it yet."

Akira shook his head in cringe at Yuri's eccentricity.

"I guess, I never taught you the word humility… Since you never needed to be humbled before. You were always humble. Now… You are everything, you weren't before."

The little Sebastian, the height of a 4-ft child, stepped down of the limousine with elegance.

"Look at that thing," Yuri said. "Last time it was a shiny bowling ball, useless and with an emoji face. Now it's… a…"

Yuri sighed.

"It could have been a… but no… I had to mess it up."

At the entrance of the gate, a black Bugatti rolled up and drifted into parallel parking.

Yuri rolled his eyes and shouted at the driver.

"You fat little fuck! How dare you beat us at badass entrances. That is completely unacceptable, Botan!"

Botan walked out of the car, whilst the grey dust of the construction site was still settling. Walked out in a designer tuxedo, with bandages on his arms from the tattooing session from earlier.

"So, how did you get past the checkpoints, Botan?"

"That's the problem, Yuri. Most of the Mazoku have been Subpoenaed."

Akira was listening intently as he was the experienced lawyer of the group and said, "Tell me everything."

"The government may seem calm, but internally they are going crazy. The National Diet is being roasted by the media for the events yesterday, and their ineffective methods and lack of results. Military Intelligence, PSIA, and the Police are all investigating the mysterious magical phenomenon, and the Mazoku are at the top of their list."

Yuri responded, "It was going to happen anyway. Magitek won't be a secret forever. And there is a reason why I allowed the Mazoku to show off their powers in front of the world."

Sebastian asked the question, "Why did you, Master since it was a huge risk?"

"It was a declaration, Sebas… A declaration to all the Mages. That I am here. And I am not afraid of them. And I am not afraid of the world. It is my first move in this global game of chess. And I am ahead of them."

All of them walked toward the Engineer's office.

Like King Arthur and his knights, heading back to the round table.

They went inside and Botan immediately started with the agenda. "Well, if you planned to send a message to the other Mages. It worked."

"That fast?" Akira exclaimed.

"Yup. A Muslim company called us. They said they wanted to do business with the new tech startup that we bought. Remember the robot company we bought, when we were recruiting the Mazoku in the hotel?"

"A Muslim Company? What's the name of their CEO?" Yuri leaned forward while sitting on the office chair.

"His name is Abdul Rahman… Their company is called EDEN. On the surface, they are an oil-billionaire funded company that manages large infrastructure construction… but…"

Akira asked, "But what??"

"I did my research and dug up their true identities. They are now unified terrorist organizations, that were originally Al Queda, ISIS, and other separate Jihadist entities."

Sebastian, then added, "I am looking them up now in the Dark Web, Master. There have been reports in North Africa and the Middle East of newly formed forests, and green pastures in the Deserts. And close to the vicinity of these, large remnants of destruction and ruins, that looked like the cause of earthquakes."

Yuri looked down to the floor, hiding his smile of excitement from his family, and said, "But there were no earthquakes recently. And there had been no humanitarian attempts to change the terrain in the Sahara."

"What does this all mean?" Akira asked in confusion.

"Terraformation!" Yuri grinned with his teeth in pure ecstasy.

"It's the fucking TerraMage!"