The Mineshaft

Yuri was in the heat. Whatever he says next or does next will determine the fate of his life. No, the fate of the world would be in jeopardy. He needs to get himself out of trouble. He then hugs back the little miner girl. 

"Hey! It's you! What are you doing here?" Yuri asked innocently.

The 4-foot-tall girl replied, "I work here."

Yuna's death stare hardens and emits an aura deadlier than a Mythical Sword aimed at one's throat.

"You work here?" Yuri asked. He was trying to change the topic or at least stall enough to think of a good reason why Ayesha, his AI assistant, looked the same as the girl in the game.

Botan looked away and laughed secretly and thought, "Oh SHIIII- My boy, Yuri… in trouble…"

Martha then interjected, "Hi! Nice to meet you. We are his friends. How did you two meet?"

"Oh! Yeah. I was being bullied by a gang of boys, and __Fatboy__ helped me."