The Hope

The room is dark. A man wakes up hanging by his arms that are bound by two long chains that hold him up, suspended in midair, while his wrists grow numb from the tight grip of the suspension.

He blinked and blinked to regain his consciousness, as memories of his arms being sliced off revisit his senses. He looked around but could see nothing, but a slight glimpse of a reflection from something that resembled a glass. But it was too large, like the side of a skyscraper. He looked down, and the bottom only revealed more nothingness and a void he knew hid more secrets than he wanted to know.

"Where am I?"

"What are you going to do to me?"

"I'm innocent!"

"They kidnapped me!"

"I'm not one of them!" he screamed more and more.

Suddenly a small light lit on the other side of the large dark pane of glass in front of him.

"Is that true?" the dark and sinister voice asked.