The Light

"Neuro-Hypnotism?" Yuri's expression changed behind his demonic mask.

"Wait? This must be the work of the RiftMage."

The Hyena men kept dancing in their rituals in hopes that the divine being Eshu would accept their offering. 

"Where did you come from?" Yuri asked them.

The man in the center answered and said, "We are from Nigeria. We have come as travelers hunting the beasts that have escaped our lands."

"You are talking of those monsters that have come to infest my lands?" Yuri asked with some anger. "You mean that it is your fault that my people have suffered and many have died. You have sent these monsters to plague my lands. This is an act of war!"

All of the Hyena men stayed quiet.

The man who appeared to be their leader walked toward Eshu.

He was trembling in fear for he had known from their stories that Eshu was powerful and dangerous.

The men then bowed down and started praying.